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Medical Terminology: 5th Edition

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1 Medical Terminology: 5th Edition
Chapter 5: The Cardiovascular System Professor Fowler

2 CV Word Roots and Suffixes
Angi/o: vessel Aort/o: aorta Arteri/o: artery Ather/o: fatty substance Atri/o: atrium Cardi/o: heart Coron/o: heart, encircling Embl/o: embolus Hemangi/o: blood vessel Myocardi/o: heart muscle Pect/o: chest Phleb/o: vein Sept/o: septum, wall Sphygm/o: pulse Steth/o: chest Thromb/o: blood clot Valv/o: valve Valvul/o: valve Varic/o: dilated Vascul/o: blood vessel Vas/o: vessel Ven/o: vein Ventricul/o: ventricle -manometer: instrument to measure pressure -tension: pressure -tonic: pertaining to tone (fit) -ole: small -ule: small

3 Vocabulary Bradycardia: a slow heart rate, typically below 60 beats per minute Embolus (pic): obstruction of blood vessel by foreign matter or blood clot that is mobile

4 Vocabulary Infarct: area of necrotic tissue due to loss of blood supply Ischemia: local and temporary deficiency of blood supply due to a circulatory obstruction Murmur: abnormal heart sound orthostatic hypotension: sudden drop in blood pressure when standing up suddenly Palpitations: pounding, racing heartbeats Plaque: yellow, fatty deposit Regurgitation: to flow backwards Tachycardia: having a fast heart rate, typically more than 100 beats per minute Thrombus: blood clot within a blood vessel

5 Vocabulary/Pathology
Angina Pectoris: chest pain Auscultation: to listen Congestive Heart Failure (CHF): both sides of the heart are failing Coronary Artery Disease (CAD): plaque in the arteries of the heart Myocardial Infarction (MI): heart attack

6 Abbreviations BP: blood pressure Bpm: beats per minute
CABG: coronary artery bypass graft Cath: catheter CPR: cardiopulmonary resuscitation CV: cardiovascular DVT: deep vein thrombosis ECG, EKG: electrocardiogram HTN: hypertension IV: intravenous P: pulse

7 The Cardiovascular System
Also called the circulatory system Composed of heart and blood vessels Pulmonary circulation Systemic circulation Purposes: distribute blood throughout body, distribute nutrients, collects waste for excretion Oxygen and carbon dioxide

8 Heart Hollow muscular pump Located: mediastinum (middle chest)
Size: about size of loose fist Shape: upside down pear apex


10 Heart Layers Chambers Endocardium Myocardium Epicardium Pericardium
Atria Ventricles Septum:

11 Heart Valves Tricuspid Pulmonary Bicuspid (mitral) Aortic

12 ECG for Electrical Impulse of Heart

13 Blood Vessels Lumen is the channel within blood vessels Arteries
Thick walled Away from heart Aorta is largest Coronary arteries (pic) arterioles Capillaries Tiny, thin blood vessels Arterioles meet venules Veins Low pressure so has valves Towards the heart Venules Inferior and Superior Vena Cavas are largest

14 Pulse and Blood Pressure
Blood pressure: Measurement of force exerted by blood against walls of a vessel Systole: Diastole: Pulse:

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