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Colonial Jeopardy.

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Presentation on theme: "Colonial Jeopardy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Colonial Jeopardy

2 A Pot Luck 100 200 300 400 500 B Characteristics 100 200 300 400 500 C Colonies 100 200 300 400 500 D Documents 100 200 300 400 500

3 A100 Question: Protestants who wanted to leave and found their own churches were called ____? Answer: Separatists.

4 A200 Question: Who founded Rhode Island? Answer: Roger Williams

5 A300 Question: What law granted the right to worship freely in Maryland? Answer: The Act of Toleration.

6 A400 Question: Protestants who wanted to reform the Anglican church (Church of England) were called? Answer: Puritans

7 A500 Question: Why was Roger Williams kicked out of Massachusetts Bay Colony? Answer: He wanted separation of church and state. In other words, he didn’t want church leaders to run the community.

8 B100 Name three physical characteristics of the New England colonies. Answer: cold climate, poor soil, subsistence farming, Atlantic Ocean, forest

9 B200 Question: Which colonies were more tolerant? Answer: Middle Colonies

10 B300 Question: What social characteristic did all the colonies have in common? Answer: Small coastal towns

11 B400 Question: Which region of the colonies had town meetings and representative government? Answer: New England Colonies

12 B500 Question: What was the worst part of the passage of the triangular trade? Answer: Middle Passage

13 C100 Question: What was the first permanent English colony established in 1607? Answer: Jamestown, Virginia

14 C200 Question: Who founded Pennsylvania and why? Answer: William Penn, for the Quakers

15 C300 Question: Which colony was the first unsuccessful colony by the English? Answer: Roanoke Island

16 C400 Question: John Rolfe saved Jamestown with what crop? Answer: Tobacco

17 C500 Question: Which colony was founded for the Catholics in the British Colonies? Answer: Maryland

18 D100 Question: What was the first written constitution in the colonies? Answer: Fundamental Orders of Connecticut

19 D200 Question: What was signed in 1689 that gave English citizens basic rights? Answer: English Bill of Rights

20 D300 Question: What was the name of the social contract written and signed by men that set up self-government and majority rule? Answer: Mayflower Compact

21 D400 Question: What was signed in 1215 and limited the power of the king? Answer: Magna Carta

22 D500 Question: What was the first representative assembly in the American colonies? Answer: Virginia House of Burgesses

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