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ACCELERATOR STEWARDSHIP & OTHER DOE/INDUSTRY ACTIVITIES FRIB/SPAFOA MEETING May 1, 2014 Kenneth O. Olsen Superconducting Particle Accelerator Forum of.

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Presentation on theme: "ACCELERATOR STEWARDSHIP & OTHER DOE/INDUSTRY ACTIVITIES FRIB/SPAFOA MEETING May 1, 2014 Kenneth O. Olsen Superconducting Particle Accelerator Forum of."— Presentation transcript:

1 ACCELERATOR STEWARDSHIP & OTHER DOE/INDUSTRY ACTIVITIES FRIB/SPAFOA MEETING May 1, 2014 Kenneth O. Olsen Superconducting Particle Accelerator Forum of America

2 Overview Update on accelerator stewardship program since SPAFOA Capitol Hill Briefing by E. Colby on Dec. 11, 2013 New energy and environment stewardship initiative Other Federal resources available to accelerator industry Industry issues and feedback

3 2012: Mission of Accelerator Stewardship 3 Mission: Support fundamental accelerator science and technology R&D for a broad range of applications Disseminate accelerator knowledge and training Implementation: Facilitate access to national laboratory accelerator facilities and infrastructure Develop innovative solutions to critical problems, to the benefit of both the broader user communities and the DOE discovery science community Serve as a catalyst to broaden and strengthen the community that relies on accelerators and accelerator technology E. Colby Presentation SPAFOA DEc 2013

4 4 2012 Holtkamp Accelerator Task Force Identified initial stewardship opportunities and potential impediments 2012 DOE Strategic Plan for Stewardship Articulated the need, initial program thrusts, evolution, and organization of the Accelerator R&D Stewardship Program. 2013 DOE/NIH Ion Beam Therapy Workshop Identified the role of accelerator technology and facilities in further cancer therapy 2013 DOE Laser Technology for Accelerators Workshop Identified high average power ultrafast lasers as key enabling technology for discovery and applied sciences 2014 Facilities Pilot Program Meeting Meeting of accelerator SC labs to discuss potential user community needs and making facilities more accessible 2014 RFI and Energy & Environment Workshop Will identify key accelerator R&D needed to advance energy and environmental applications of accelerators Reports available at: Formulating a National Accelerator Stewardship Program E. Colby Presenattion SPAFOA Dec. 2013

5 Elements of Accelerator R&D Stewardship 5 Near-term: facilitate access to test facilities –2012: Survey of national lab infrastructure –2014: Follow-on Meeting on Accelerator R&D Stewardship Activities at test facilities; Pilot Program to follow Mid-term (2-5 years): pursue goal-driven challenge areas –Finite scope (e.g. 5-7 years) targeted tasks that solve important challenges –Challenge areas identified by the 2012 Accelerator Task Force: –Improve particle beam delivery for cancer therapy –Advance ultrafast laser technology for accelerators (e.g. x1000 pulse rate) –Innovate accelerator technologies for energy and environment applications Longer Term (5-10 years) –Identify and pursue additional challenges for focused work Education and training will be an integral part of each activity. R&D will continue to involve students and collaboration with non-traditional users of accelerator technology. E. Colby Presentation SPAFOA Dec. 2013

6 In addition to broad expertise in accelerator and component design, specialized infrastructure exists Lab infrastructure falls mainly into these categories: – Beam test facilities electrons, neutrons, protons, light and heavy ions includes particle sources, transport lines, diagnostics, laser-driven accelerators – Superconducting cable/strand and cavity preparation and testing facilities cabling equipment, heat treatment ovens, clean rooms Cavity polishing, chemistry, test dewars, etc. – Magnet test facilities power supplies, cryogenic test stands, field mapping – RF test facilities RF power sources, cryogenic test stands, processing capabilities, clean rooms – High-performance computing expertise includes finite-element calculations, general accelerator design, nonlinear beam dynamics and beam transport, radiation shielding, electromagnetic modeling – Fabrication and materials characterization facilities high accuracy NC machine tools, CMMs, e-beam welders, wire EDM, chemical cleaning, electro- polishing, SEMs, laser trackers, coating systems, remote handling,… 2012: Facility Survey Results 6E. Colby Presentation SPAFOA Dec. 2013

7 7 Energy & Environmental Applications of Accelerators E. Colby Presentation SPAFOA Dec. 2013 MOD Apr 2014 Energy Accelerator energy efficiency EO13514 mandates 28% GHG reduction from FY08 to FY20; current DOE SC complex accelerator energy usage is ~1000 GW-h/yr Initiative to increase accelerator efficiency will have broad impact across SC labs, and in industrial uses of accelerators Use of accelerators to deliver heat more precisely and controllably than conventional thermal processes Environment Pollution reduction NOX, SOX by flue gas treatment Waste water treatment Pesticide and endocrine disruptor reduction in domestic water supplies Request for Information: Published in the FR April 18

8 Stewardship Funding OHEP received $9,931K in the FY-14 appropriation Presidents FY-15 budget request $19,200 K This is not new money, it is included in the overall OHEP budget envelope Establishes OHEP as the lead for accelerator research and to incorporate stewardship criteria with their discovery science research activities including the SBIR and STTR programs

9 Accelerator Stewardship in Presidents FT-15 Budget request The accelerator stewardship subprogram supports long- term multi-purpose research applicable to fields beyond HEP. This includes extensions of the accelerator science research conducted under the HEP General Accelerator R&D portfolio, which is broadly applicable to other fields of science and seeks to identify and support R&D in specific technological areas important to a variety of accelerator applications such as high power lasers. In 2015, funding is increased to support new research activities for selected technology areas such as laser, ion beam therapy, and green RF sources, with priorities informed by workshops held by HEP.

10 Illinois Accelerator Research Center (IARC) Mission Statement Work with industry, university, and laboratory partners to promote the development of accelerator technology, projects, and applications. Promote the growth of high tech industry based on accelerator technology leading to new products and capabilities. Work with university partners to create an educational center for accelerator science and technology.

11 IARC Funding $ 20 M from the State of Illinois, Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity: motivation is to promote the growth of high tech businesses in the State $ 50 M from DOE, HEP in the form of $13 M of direct funding and a refurbished Heavy Assembly building valued at $ 38 M: DOE motivation is National Industrial Competitiveness. Creating a $ 70 M complex ideally suited for the development of high power accelerators and applications In discussion with the State for seed funding Plan to seek Federal match for seed funds Stewardship can be a key element of the IARC program

12 Approach to Creating an IARC Business Plan Create an independent business entity at IARC Engage successful entrepreneurs from UChicagoTech (UofC Booth Business School) as business consultants New oversight board made up of business execs IARC Vision IARC will be the preeminent national enabler of accelerator based products and services serving as the seed for industry growth.

13 IARC Schedule IARC business plan: June 2014 ready for review by board IARC OTE: – Finish State Contracted work May 2014 – IT networks, partitions, furnish Dec 2014 1 st Occupants (industry + IARC HQ) IARC Heavy Assembly bldg – CDF D&D finishes June 2014 – High bay operations begin Sept 2015 – Office & technical refurbished July 2016

14 Stewardship Parameters All DOE Office of Science facilities available (9 Labs) Funding in FY-14 and 15, not new money ($19.2M in FY-15 Presidents budget request) Projects identified in focused workshops, prioritized and approved by SC Technical Evaluation Group (all Feds.) Adds criteria of advanced accelerator applications beyond discovery science to OHEP R&D portfolio selection Can be connected to the SBIR STTR activities Projects can be proposed by Labs, non-profits, and small and large industry (or some combination) Emphasis on front end R&D Upgraded BNL ATF to play a key role Cost sharing welcome but not a requirement (difficult at early stages of product development)

15 DOE SC Available Facilities

16 IARC Parameters Primary resources IARC building at Fermi supported by Fermi and ANL staff Development and demonstration of accelerator components and systems Business case needed for proposed end use application Requires an industrial partnership Possible to use stewardship funding Streamlined procedures for cost sharing and WFO resources IARC building can be configured to protect ip during development and testing Goal is to grow an Illinois based accelerator industry and jobs

17 IARC Building at Fermilab

18 Stewardship and IARC-Industry Perspective Should be viewed by industry as an integrated Federal resource for R&D and demos of new accelerators and components Stewardship seeks to make all OHEP lab resources available to collaborate on R&D IARC supports accelerator R,D, &D providing expertise and a facility at Fermilab to develop advanced accelerator concepts and products Other resources available to industry throughout product development cycle Prospective industry participants can selectively choose how to best interface and integrate within these resources

19 Other Potential Funding Sources National Network for Manufacturing Initiatives (NNMI) Establishes regional manufacturing centers using public/private partnerships National Labs and Universities : May negotiate cost sharing in return for a share of ip on research and product development Advanced Research Projects Agency-energy (ARPA-e): Supports high risk research for energy projects. Has open FOA for new energy related projects: DE-FOA-0001002: Open innovative development in energy-related applied science (open ideas)

20 Industrial User Perspective OTHER FUNDING SOURCES * For example an accelerator based system to treat an industrial effluent could propose having the beam criteria researched and demonstrated at the ATF and a prototype system tested and evaluated at the IARC STEWARDSHIP Product evolution from research to market *Company share plus potentially IARC, NNMI, ARPAe, Labs, Univ.

21 DOE Feedback DOE has posted two general information tabs on the net to communicate the stewardship program to potential users. under the WORKING WITH THE NATIONAL LABORATORIES tab rd-stewardship/ rd-stewardship/ As requested in our April newsletter, please open and review these items and provide feedback on their usefulness to or

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