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Continuing the journey…... …building momentum to sustain change …….and embed project benefits.

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Presentation on theme: "Continuing the journey…... …building momentum to sustain change …….and embed project benefits."— Presentation transcript:

1 Continuing the journey…..

2 …building momentum to sustain change …….and embed project benefits

3 Innovation – as a whole-life concept

4 Identify business need & business case Research & baseline/benchmark Develop solution Test solution Understanding and engage stakeholders Further innovation / development Reflect & refine solution Package product 1 st roll-out Evaluate impact & metrics Benchmark impact 2 nd roll-out Reflect, refine & plan Early innovation Systemic innovation (widespread embedding in practice) Embedding / aligning / drive Continuous improvement Plan Plan roll-out

5 PROJECT/PILOTINSTITUTIONSECTOR(S) Embedding Cascading Examples of Enablers Changing people & culture OU: communities of practice Oxford: communications & stakeholder engagement Herts: CABLE (change process) REAP/Ulster: assessment principles as discourse Greenwich DL: BR CAMEL Influencing organisational change Greenwich/MMU: professional change management Exeter: students as change agents Embedding or aligning innovations Leicester: Embed open design into Carpe Diem Greenwich/Cardiff/MMU/BC: embed processes/systems Oxford CASCADE: key drive for change - business plan. Greenwich: cost-benefit analysis Creating useable tools and resources Ulster: reflective resources / workshop framework Open approaches to sustainability WBL maturity toolkit Communities OU - OULDI ELESIG Subject centres??? Capacity-building/benefits realisation Leicester - OSTRICH: Cascade process OU – OULDI: workshop framework & visualisation tools. Resistance to innovation Leaders and/or owners change Complexity / too much choice Lack of appreciation of future educational scenarios Innovators dont make good embedders Structures/processes/resources for embedding/innovation Mind-sets: innovation projects have an end-date! Lack of a Vision & project sustaining/embedding plan Not invented here Insufficient motivators & resources Increasing competition Barriers early innovation ……………………… systemic innovation Sustaining

6 ProjectChanging people & culture Organisational change Embedding/ aligning Tools and resources Commercial and open approaches Vision Barriers Enablers Project clinics Group 1 – BCU, LMU, City, OU Group 2 – MMU, Cardiff, Strathclyde Group 3 – Ulster, Bolton, Greenwich, Staffs


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