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Science - Year 3/4B Autumn 2

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1 Science - Year 3/4B Autumn 2
Light Shining the Light Session 2 Plenary PowerPoint © Original resource copyright Hamilton Trust, who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users. We refer you to our warning, at the foot of the block overview, about links to other websites.

2 So what have we learnt from our investigations this session?
b g h d c l k j i n o p a Light colours are much easier to see in the dark and white is the easiest to see of all. Why? Because the lighter the colour, the more light is reflected back to our eyes.

3 Which of the suspects were wearing clothes that made it easier for them to move around in the dark without being seen? These suspects are wearing darker colours that do not reflect much light

4 Which items showed up clearly in the torchlight?
Shiny things, Sparkly things, Reflective things, White things, Contrasting things e.g. bold stripes

5 Here are some questions for you to keep puzzling over until next session
Who was shining the torch and what were they looking for? Why did they move the flowers in the vase? Where have they hidden the diamonds?

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