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Day 1: Cardiovascular System The vessels…

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1 Day 1: Cardiovascular System The vessels…
Home Learning Day 1: Cardiovascular System The vessels… As you watch this video, complete the Frayer Model Define: Function: Analogy: Types: Vessels

2 Day 1: Cardiovascular System The vessels
The Vascular System is made up of many connective tunnels through which blood flows Capillary is the bridge between veins and arteries…they are so small that materials in blood cell diffuse through them The vascular system is made up of three main types of blood vessels: 1. ARTERIES 3. VEINS HEART CIRUCLATION OF BLOOD THRU THE VESSLES ARTERIOLES (smaller Arteries) VENULES (smaller Veins) Exchange of materials through diffusion CAPILIARIES 2. CAPILIARIES

3 Day 1: Cardiovascular System Arteries
Arteries are blood vessels that carry blood, rich in oxygen, from the heart to other parts of the body. The large arteries have thick walls of elastic-like tissue that enables them to withstand the blood pressure created by the heart’s beating.

4 Day 1: Cardiovascular System The vessels….Capillary Bed
Capillaries are tiny, thin-walled blood vessels that connect arteries to veins and are located in all body tissues. Capillaries are so small in diameter that blood cells pass through in a single file.

5 Day 1: Cardiovascular System The vessels….Capillary Action
Home Page Day 2 Lesson Day 1: Cardiovascular System The vessels….Capillary Action CAPILLARIES ALLOW FOR: nutrients, oxygen, and water to diffuse out of blood to the tissues. Waste products, like carbon dioxide, diffuse from the tissues into the blood.

6 Day 1: Cardiovascular System Veins
Veins are the blood vessels that return blood to the heart from all parts of the body. Veins have valves that aid the return flow of blood and prevent the blood from reversing flow.

7 Cardiovascular System Check for Understanding
Comparative View between Arteries and Veins Click to Play

8 Day 1: Cardiovascular System Check for Understanding
Arteries (aa.) Veins (vv.) Direction of flow Blood Away from Heart Blood to Heart Pressure Higher Lower Walls THICKER: Tunica media thicker than tunica externa THINNER: Tunica externa thicker than tunica media Lumen Smaller Larger Valves No valves

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