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Electronic Medicines Optimisation Pathway

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1 Electronic Medicines Optimisation Pathway
EMOP Electronic Medicines Optimisation Pathway

2 This is an electronic pathway for the sharing of information on discharge from hospital pharmacies to community pharmacies. The community pharmacy system uses a PharmOutcomes web platform which is accessible to all contractors who operate the system. Hospital IT systems can vary markedly which will mean that there are slight differences in how the system works in each area. Contractors are recommended to attend local launch events whenever possible. EMOP

3 It is not a commissioned service with an SLA or contract
It is not paid. There is no additional fee attached to accessing the system It is not contractual so you do not need to receive information in this way. EMOP- What it Isn’t

4 It is the culmination of a decade of local conversations about how to better support patients at the point of discharge. This system has been chosen for it’s ease of use across settings and the security of the information transfer It is a collaboration between EAHSN who have provided the initial funding and supported set up, the hospital trusts who have committed to continuing with the licence after 1 year and the LPC representing community pharmacies. EMOP- So what is it?

5 It is a secure electronic method of communication between local hospitals, community pharmacies and where necessary GP practices to share robust information about discharge medication and post discharge care for patients EMOP- So what is it?

6 EMOP- So how does it benefit me?
It is a pathway that directly provides community pharmacies with robust information they can use to support services such as MURs, NMS, Flu Vaccinations and to aid compliance for those patients who will benefit most It is an auditable way to provide evidence for and quantify the value of, the care that community pharmacies already provide to patients as an often undervalued part of the dispensing process. In the current financial climate this is vital. EMOP- So how does it benefit me?

7 EMOP- So how does it benefit me?
Successful implementation will provide a platform on which to build better integrated patient pathways which include community pharmacy EMOP- So how does it benefit me?

8 Eastern Academic Health Science Network (EAHSN)

9 Eastern AHSN business plan
ADOPTION AND SPREAD Helping the Eastern region adopt innovative solutions to nationally identified problems INNOVATION EXCHANGES Helping identify regional needs and developing, testing and evaluating solutions PATIENT SAFETY Continuing the patient safety collaborative work including the maternity network There are three main areas of work proposed in the relicensing plans developed by all AHSNs in England Adoption and spread is a key activity for AHSNs in 2018/19, with all 15 organisations working on a selection of projects AHSN support for adoption will vary from broad diffusion to dissemination and supported adoption

10 Electronic medicines optimisation pathway
15 acute providers Potential for >£4m system savings within 12 months of implementation IDEA PROCESS SUCCESS Eastern AHSN support includes: Regional program management and communications 1st years licence fee Support for community pharmacist engagement Regional Chief Pharmacists identify opportunity Evidence base from Newcastle NHS England recognising as 1/13 top innovations to adopt

11 Hospital Process IT compatibility and testing
Staff awareness and consent Proposed launch date

12 Hospital Process- Key Points

13 Hospital Process- Key Points
Patients will be asked if they consent to having their discharge information sent to their chosen pharmacy and the name of the pharmacy will be noted. Patients will be given written information about the purpose of the communication On discharge, information including patient contact details and discharge medications, with any suggestions for additional support required will be sent to the patient’s usual pharmacy. There will also be details of someone at the hospital who can be contacted about the discharge. NB with this system there will be a 24 hour delay post discharge until the information is sent and no referrals will be sent on Saturday or Sunday.

14 Hospital Process- Key Points
If the message is rejected by the pharmacy, the hospital will see it but will not be able to send it to another pharmacy so this contact will be lost. Reasons for rejection include the patient no longer accessing services from that pharmacy or discharge to intermediate or long term care. If the message is accepted, the pharmacy can proceed to use the information to support the patient in any appropriate way. Hospital Process- Key Points

15 Community Pharmacy Process
How will you know if you receive a referral? What will you see on the Pharmoutcomes Screen? What can you do with the information?

16 Pharmacy Process

17 New discharge messages will appear at the top of the services page
New discharge messages will appear at the top of the services page. An will also be sent to the primary address linked to PharmOutcomes. Pharmacies can also hire a PharmAlarm from Pinnacle at the cost of £1 per week. This fits into a USB port and will flash when an EMOP message or NUMSAS referral is received. The message will contain the information previously discussed and the message can then be rejected, for the reasons previously stated or accepted and actioned straight away or at a later date. The system records this information for audit reporting. Pharmacy Process

18 When the patient has been contacted, the template can be completed to indicate what actions have been taken. It is important to complete the information as fully as possible so that community pharmacy can demonstrate how effective it has been at supporting the patient. There will not be a huge number of referrals received by each pharmacy initially. The number of referrals will increase steadily as the system beds in and more patients are referred. The hospital will start referring existing compliance aid patients so the average pharmacy can only expect 2 or 3 per month Pharmacy Process

19 Please note, that any use of the discharge information to check current medicines against previous records is classed as Medicines Reconciliation and should be recorded as such on the PharmOutcomes template, even if no further services are provided to the patient. The Trust has agreed that pharmacies should have full discharge information, including information about the clinical condition of the patient. This is to give pharmacists the most complete information possible to support the patient. Pharmacists are reminded that this information is confidential and should be used appropriately for the care of the patient. Pharmacy Process

20 This is to ensure that GPs are made aware of any reconciliation issues or adverse drug reactions after discharge GP referrals will be sent electronically to a secure address if one is held on the system for that practice. Others can be printed and posted or hand delivered. Pharmacists will still need to use the usual GP notification pathways for MUR/NMS and Flu Vaccinations Pick up the phone in the normal way for urgent confirmation or to arrange for compliance aid scripts etc. GP Notifications

21 Additional Resources and Support
There will be two hosted LPC webinars to support staff who have been unable to attend. Dates will be circulated shortly via LPC LINKS Website resources Pinnacle EAHSN LPC Website Resources This presentation plus FAQs and other supporting documents. The LPC is keen to demonstrate the success of this initiative, so for one to one support Additional Resources and Support

22 As previously stated, this is not contractual and so your pharmacy is not obliged to get involved
The LPC hopes that the potential of this service to improve patient care, simplify pharmacy processes and demonstrate the value of community pharmacy would mean that you would wish to be involved For ease of set up, all pharmacies will be opted in unless you inform us you wish to opt out. Should this be your choice, please speak to an LPC Officer to obtain an opt out form. You can opt back in at any time. OPT OUT

23 Questions Please with any questions

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