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Sri Lanka and the Maldives

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1 Sri Lanka and the Maldives

2 Sri Lanka Strong ties to the Indian subcontinent.
6th century people migrated from India. Mixed island culture with India to make an advanced civilization.

3 Adopted Buddhism Adopted irrigation. Europeans colonized Sri Lanka in the 1500s and gained independence in 1972. 1980s was civil war between ethnic groups Tamils and Sinhalese which continued until 2009.

4 Sri Lanka has diverse ethnic and religious groups
Sri Lanka has diverse ethnic and religious groups. Majority are Sinhalese Buddhist. Art and literature are influenced by religion.

5 Sri Lanka has the highest per capita income in South Asia.
Economy of Sri Lanka is based on agriculture (rice, tea, rubber, and coconut). Sri Lanka economy is threatened by civil war.

6 The Maldives Maldives were settled by Buddhists and Hindus from Sri Lanka and India. Arab traders help convert the population to Islam. Sultans governed islands until 1968 when it became a republic.

7 The Maldives are multi-ethnic who are a mixed race.
Islam is the state religion in the Maldives, and no other religions are allowed.

8 The Maldives economy is based on fishing for tuna, marlin, and sharks.
Tourism is also an important industry in the Maldives. The Maldives are threatened by global warming Water is rising to wipe out the islands.

9 Today’s Issues in South Asia

10 Population Explosion Population growing so quickly that its citizens lack basic necessities. Widespread poverty and illiteracy. Poor sanitation & lack of health education has lead to outbreaks of disease.

11 Gov’t encourages smaller families.
Cultural norms encourage large families Education can help control population. Not a lot of money for education. Gov’t invests less money on girls.

12 Education also improves status of women and gives them more jobs.
Better health education can reduce need for more children.

13 Extreme Weather Annual cycle of powerful and destructive weather
Summer monsoon brings floods Cyclone brings storms Rains are critical to agriculture but can damage crops. Not enough crops to feed all the people.

14 Pakistan Flood of 2010 Floods began in July 2010 due to monsoon rains.
20 million Pakistanis directly affected and 2,000 died. Ruined crops, unclean drinking water, disease outbreak, infrastructure destroyed, livelihoods lost. Little international aid given.

15 Pakistan Militants Northwest  region of lawless tribes.
Safe haven for the Taliban, insurgents, and al Qaeda. Taliban controls areas and have enforced Sharia Law and banned women’s rights. U.S./NATO trying to work with Pakistani rid them of militants and end Afghanistan War.

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