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Jeopardy-Phases of Matter

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Presentation on theme: "Jeopardy-Phases of Matter"— Presentation transcript:

1 Jeopardy-Phases of Matter
Interpreting graphs Solids Liquids & gases Phase Changes Particle Motion MISC Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Final Jeopardy

2 $100 Question Phase Changes
What are the three phases of Matter?

3 $100 Answer Solids, liquids, and gases

4 $200 Question Phase Changes
When liquid water changes to Ice we call it what?

5 $200 Answer freezing

6 $300 Question Phase Changes
During which phase change(s) is heat energy absorbed? (requires heat to occur)

7 $300 Answer Solid to liquid Liquid to gas

8 $400 Question Phase Changes
Which process causes water vapor to change to liquid water droplets on dust in the sky and Surfaces such as grass?

9 $400 Answer condensation

10 $500 Question Phase Changes
How can you tell when a phase change is occurring when you look at A graph?

11 $500 Answer When the graph levels off

12 $100 Question Particle Motion
The particles in a solid, liquid or gas are moving the fastest?

13 $100 Answer gas

14 $200 Question Particle Motion
During which two processes do the Motion of particles decrease?

15 $200 Answer Condensation Freezing

16 $300 Question Particle Motion
When you heat molecules what Happens to the motion of the Particles?

17 $300 Answer The motion increases in speed

18 $400 Question Particle Motion
Explain or draw what the particles Of a gas would look like

19 $400 Answer Far apart and fast moving

20 $500 Question Particle Motion
What would the particles of a Solid look like? Explain or draw a picture

21 $500 Answer Close together And moving slowly

22 $100 Question Interpreting Graphs
A B C D Which diagram best represents A gas?

23 $100 Answer c

24 $200 Question Interpreting Graphs
Which volume has The highest pressure?

25 $200 Answer 15 ml

26 $300 Question Interpreting Graphs
Which phase does not have a definite shape or volume?

27 $300 Answer Gas

28 $400 Question Interpreting Graphs
Based on the Phases of matter Lab and graph, What happened to the graph once the water started to Boil?

29 $400 Answer Leveled off

30 $500 Question Interpreting Graphs
Draw a line that shows what Happens as water goes from a Solid to liquid

31 $500 Answer Your Text Here

32 $100 Question Solids, Liquids, Gases
Explain a solid in terms of volume And shape

33 $100 Answer Definite volume and definite shape

34 $200 Question Solids, Liquids, Gases
Explain liquid in terms of Volume and shape

35 $200 Answer Definite volume but not definite shape

36 $300 Question Solids, Liquids, Gases
Explain what happens to the Speed of particles as ice turns to Liquid and then water vapor?

37 $300 Answer Speed increases

38 $400 Question Solids, Liquids, Gases
What causes water droplets to form on the Outside of your pop bottle in the summer time?

39 $400 Answer Air temperature decreases near cold pop until water
Vapor turns into a liquid through condensation on the side of the bottle. Caused by the slowing of Particles with the decrease in temperature

40 $500 Question Solids, Liquids, Gases
Explain what causes evaporation?

41 $500 Answer Energy is added to liquid water
Until particles are moving too Fast and spread apart too far to remain In the liquid phase

42 $100 Question MISC What is a temperature that
Includes water in the liquid form?

43 $100 Answer Just above freezing to just below boiling

44 $200 Question MISC Why does evaporation occur?

45 $200 Answer Energy is gained

46 $300 Question MISC In order for freezing to occur what Has to happen?

47 $300 Answer There needs to be an energy loss

48 $400 Question MISC What is the term for when a solid goes
Directly to a gas?

49 $400 Answer Sublimation

50 $500 Question MISC What is the term called for when a
Gas goes directly to a solid?

51 $500 Answer deposition

52 Final Jeopardy List as many processes that occur between the phases of matter as you can

53 Final Jeopardy Answer Freezing Condensation Sublimation Deposition
Boiling Evaporation melting

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