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Homeroom warm up 9/6/18 Mirror, Mirror: What if you mirror started talking to you? What might the mirror say?

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Presentation on theme: "Homeroom warm up 9/6/18 Mirror, Mirror: What if you mirror started talking to you? What might the mirror say?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Homeroom warm up 9/6/18 Mirror, Mirror: What if you mirror started talking to you? What might the mirror say?

2 Science do Now 9/6/18 Ana is creating a model to show atoms of solid bromine, liquid bromine, and gaseous bromine. How should her three models differ? A. The size of the atoms should vary depending on the state. B. The mass of the atoms should vary depending on the state. C. The motion of the atoms should vary depending on the state. D. The identity of the atoms should vary depending on the state.

3 Science do now 9/6/18 Which is a compound? A lead(Pb) B sulfur(S)
C hydrogen peroxide(H2O2) D oxygen gas(O2)

4 Give an example of each of the following: A. Mixture B. Element
Science do now 9/6/18 Give an example of each of the following: A. Mixture B. Element C. Compound

5 Outline for test Key vocabulary terms Solid Liquid Gas Evaporation
Condensation Sublimation Melting Freezing

6 Explore the scientific theory of atoms (also known as atomic theory) by using models to explain the motion of particles in solids, liquids, and gases. © Copyright 2015 – All rights reserved.

7 What’s an atom? Atoms are the building blocks for matter.
They are so small that the naked eye cannot even see one. © Copyright 2015 – All rights reserved.

8 Put the atoms together and what do you get?
Everything around you! Aka MATTER!! Put the atoms together and what do you get? © Copyright 2015 – All rights reserved.

9 MATTER Everything in the world is made up of matter.
Matter is defined as anything that takes up space and has mass. Atoms are the building blocks of matter. Matter can exist as solids, liquids, and gases. © Copyright 2015 – All rights reserved.

10 SOLIDS, LIQUIDS and GASES: Particle Movement
© Copyright 2015 – All rights reserved.

11 SOLIDS Characteristics: Definite shape Definite volume
Atoms are packed tightly together with very little movement. DANCE in your seat! How do the particles in solids move? solid © Copyright 2015 – All rights reserved.

12 LIQUIDS Characteristics: Definite volume Indefinite shape
Liquids will take the shape of the container they are in. Atoms within a liquid are loosely packed together and have fluid movement within the container. Liquid particles move just slightly past one another DANCE in your seat! How do the particles in liquids move? liquid © Copyright 2015 – All rights reserved.

13 GAS Characteristics: Indefinite shape
Gases will take the shape of the container they are placed into. Indefinite volume Gases will spread out in order to fill their containers. Atoms within a gas are in constant free movement. They will spread out quickly and fill the space they are contained in. Gas particles vibrate very fast!! DANCE in your seat! How do the particles in gases move? gas © Copyright 2015 – All rights reserved.

14 Check for Understanding
Identify and describe the particle arrangement in the state of matter that has no definite shape but does have a definite volume. How do the particles of a gas differ from a solid? © Copyright 2015 – All rights reserved.

15 Check for Understanding
Identify and describe the particle arrangement in the state of matter that has no definite shape but does have a definite volume. Liquid; particles have some movement within their containers. How do the particles of a gas differ from a solid? Gas particles have much more movement with an indefinite shape and volume. © Copyright 2015 – All rights reserved.

16 Energy determines the state!

17 Add or Subtract Energy. . . When energy is added, particles move faster! When energy is taken away, particles move slower!

18 What will happen? Why? Here are some notes

19 Solid + Energy = ? When energy is added to solids, they become liquids! Examples?

20 Liquid + Energy = ? When energy is added to liquids, they become gases! What examples can you think of?

21 Changing States State change Phase change Physical change
There are several names for matter changing states: State change Phase change Physical change

22 Changes in Phase Gas Liquid Solid
Condensation Vaporization (Boiling or Evaporating) Liquid Solidification Melting (fusion) Solid

23 Phase Changes Short Summary video on phases: (1 min)
Applet: (Excellent)

24 Let’s Skip a Phase Sublimation
Directly from the solid phase to the gas phase. Happens with substances with weak intermolecular forces of attraction They separate easily! Ex: CO2(s) dry ice, Iodine CO2(s) → CO2 (g)

25 Review Questions What state of matter has definite volume and definite shape? Describe the properties of liquids. What is needed for states of matter to change phase?

26 Science Closure 9/6/18

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