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Concur agree.

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Presentation on theme: "Concur agree."— Presentation transcript:

1 Concur agree

2 Composure Mental calmness

3 Concise and exact use of word in writing or speech

4 comprehensive Thorough; inclusive

5 Reconciling; soothing
Conciliatory Reconciling; soothing

6 Concede Admit; yield

7 Causing or likely to cause argument; quarrelsome
Contentious Causing or likely to cause argument; quarrelsome

8 benevolent Generous; charitable

9 Readiness to yield, conformity in fulfilling requirements
Compliance Readiness to yield, conformity in fulfilling requirements

10 Contract Compress or shrink; make a pledge; catch a disease

11 Condone Accept or allow in order to continue
Approve or sanction with reluctance.

12 autonomous Self-governing

13 Conflagration Great fire

14 Confound Confuse; puzzle

15 Consensus General agreement

16 Compulsion; repression of feelings
Constraint Compulsion; repression of feelings

17 Struggle; compete; assert earnestly
Contend Struggle; compete; assert earnestly

18 Unpredictable; fickle; fanciful
Capricious Unpredictable; fickle; fanciful

19 Conviction Judgment that someone is guilty of a crime;
strongly held belief

20 Gracious; courteous; heartfelt
Cordial Gracious; courteous; heartfelt

21 Corroborate Confirm; support

22 Belief on slight evidence; gullibility; naiveté
Credulity Belief on slight evidence; gullibility; naiveté

23 Standard used in judging
Criterion Standard used in judging

24 concise Brief and compact

25 Frankness; open honesty
candor Frankness; open honesty

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