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Introduction for IP Management

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1 Introduction for IP Management
Erica Wu

2 Abstract Inner Procedure of Providing your Patent Proposal
Inner Reward of Patent Application Writing the Engineering Notebook What is Engineering Notebook? What should I write? How should I write?

3 Patent Protection PatentAbility of your application are consisted of:
Industrially Applicable or Useful can be implemented and with its useful effect. Novelty prior to applying for patent, never been published or put to public use provided. Invention Step One cannot get patent by utilizing conventional technology or knowledge known prior to applying for patent, and can be easily accomplished by persons skilled in the art.

4 Flowchart of Inner Procedure for Patent Application

5 Management of Engineering Notebook
What is Engineering Notebook? Provides the engineer with a ready space for his calculations, notes, graphs, tables, etc., and a permanent, accessible log of his activity for his later reference and use. What should I Write? Write down everything you do for your daily research, especially for some important discovery or for patent application How should I Write? Before you begin to write, please refer to Your Engineering Notebook by Procedure for Using Engineering Notebook

6 In order for the notebook to be a valid legal document, the following procedures should be followed:
1.Every entry should be made in ink. 2.Each page should include the appropriate project number or other information identifying the work being performed. 3.Pages should not be removed. 4.Entries should be kept current and in chronological order. Blank pages should not be left. 5.Each page should be signed and dated. 6.Entries should be written on pages of the notebook directly. Do not write in any paper them past them in the notebook. 7.Clippings, photographs, or other external data should be included if possible by pasting them in the notebook and signing, witnessing and dating them. 8.Incorrect entries should be crossed out with a single line rather than erased or obliterated. 9.Pages containing items of possible patent interest should be signed by at least two witnesses who are not co-inventors of the described development and who understand the development. Witnesses should write beside their names ”Witnessed and Understood”。 10.For later reference and use of the notebook, index may be made on the first or last few pages.

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