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Monday, August Day 8 Happy Monday!

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Presentation on theme: "Monday, August Day 8 Happy Monday!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Monday, August Day 8 Happy Monday! Did you remember to follow the Golden Rules of entering the classroom? If you have anything from last week to turn in, please do that now. Otherwise, please get our your binder, notebook, 1 single sheet of binder paper, and a Pencil. (that’s 4 things.)

2 Please follow this format exactly for your warm-up paper
First & Last Name Period # Week 3 Warm-Ups Monday 8/14/17 1) 2) 3) 4) 5)


4 It’s Tuesday! What sorts of points will your group be earning today?
Tuesday, August Day 9 It’s Tuesday! What sorts of points will your group be earning today? If you have anything from last week to turn in, please do that now. For your warm-up today, you need to go over your homework answers with your group members. Take turns sharing your answers. If you disagree with a group member’s answer, explain to each other how you each got your answers.

5 Make sure EVERYTHING is SIGNED as needed!
Wednesday, August Day 10 WELCOME BACK TO ADVISORY Please put your pack of papers that your parents completed into separate piles on the table. (On the Left side of the room) Parent notification of Discipline Policies Student Emergency card Student photographs and videos Then get your agenda out and ready to be checked. Make sure EVERYTHING is SIGNED as needed!

6 Happy Early release Day!
Wednesday, August Day 10 Happy Early release Day! Please have your homework out and ready to be checked. Then get out your warm-up paper from Monday (It’s in your group folder). Make sure you add the day and date for Wednesday, then get started with the Warm-up Problems. Wed. 8/16/17 1) 2) 3)

7 If you forgot what a unit rate is, check your notes.
Hint: miles/hour Hint: pieces/pizza Hint: pieces/apple

8 Happy Friday!! Please have your homework out and ready to be checked.
Friday, August Day 12 Happy Friday!! Please have your homework out and ready to be checked. For today’s warm-up, please turn to page 29. Complete these 10 problems. When you are finished, please write today’s objective in your agenda.

9 It’s Thursday!! Please have your homework out and ready to be checked.
Thursday, August Day 11 It’s Thursday!! Please have your homework out and ready to be checked. For today’s warm-up, please turn to page 29. Complete these 10 problems. When you are finished, please write today’s objective in your agenda.

10 Happy Friday!! Please have your homework out and ready to be checked.
Friday, August Day 12 Happy Friday!! Please have your homework out and ready to be checked. Also, get your laptop, but do not open it or turn it on. Take the half sheet of paper, Write your first and last name in the upper left corner (with a pencil), then wait for instructions.

11 Happy 4th hour! Please get out your agenda a pencil
Monday, August Day 8 Happy 4th hour! Please get out your agenda a pencil a piece of blank binder paper.

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