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2 Same task in repetition
What is FUNCTION ? It is self contain block of statement that perform Same task in repetition

3 Collection of Function creates a
C FUNCTION contains set of instructions enclosed by “{ }” which perform specific operation in c program. C Program Function Collection of Function creates a C Program

4 Uses :- FUNCTION Avoid rewriting same logic/code again & again
No limit in calling function to make use of it We can call functions any no. of times & from any place in a program Dividing a big task into small pieces Function have re-usability FUNCTION

5 Function Declaration :-
Return_type function_name(argument list); This informs complier about Function name , Function parameters and return value’s data type

6 This call the actual function
Function call :- Function_name (argument list); This call the actual function



9 Output

10 Types of FUNCTION FUNCTION Library Function User Defined Function

11 How to call FUNCTION in a program ?
Call by value Call by reference

12 All FUNCTION can be called either with arguments or without arguments in c program . And also these Function may or may not return value to the calling function.

13 FUNCTION with no argument & no return value
FUNCTION with argument & no return value FUNCTION with argument & with return value

14 FUNCTION with no argument & no return value


16 Output

17 FUNCTION with argument & no return value


19 Output

20 FUNCTION with argument & with return value


22 Output

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