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Grade 3 Winter Project Fun Food Project.

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Presentation on theme: "Grade 3 Winter Project Fun Food Project."— Presentation transcript:

1 Grade 3 Winter Project Fun Food Project


3 I need to…….. 1. Make some fun food. 2. Make a poster

4 1. Make your fun food.

5 Colorful Butterflies

6 Banana Butterflies

7 Cutie Bug

8 Apple Peanut Butter Teeth

9 Naughty Cat

10 Peanut Butter Snail

11 Step 1 Decide what do you want to make.

12 Step 2 Buy the ingredients for your fun food.

13 Step 3 Make your fun food.

14 Step 3 Make your fun food.

15 Step 3 Make your fun food.

16 Step 4 Take a beautiful photo!

17 2. Make your poster and write a poem.

18 Write a Poem (do-does/c-uc)
yum, yum! I like bananas, and raisins. I like white chocolate . How about you? I like pretzel sticks and jam. I like peanut butter. It looks cute. It tastes delicious. It smells great. I really like to cook ! yum, yum! I like orange juice, and apple juice. I like fruit juice. How about you? I like carrots and tomatoes. I like vegetables. I really like to cook.

19 Step 1 Get your materials. e.g. pencils, poster, scissors, color pens………

20 Step 2 Use pencils to make a rough draft.

21 Step 3 Color it and make it looks nice!

22 Finish!

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