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Click anywhere to start

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1 Click anywhere to start
Adding a New Plan Click anywhere to start

2 Throughout this PowerPoint, there
will be blue text that indicates an action. In order to move through this PowerPoint you will need to click on the blue shapes associated with the action of the blue text. However, some pages do not have actions, in that case you will simply click the blue “NEXT” arrow. Click the “NEXT” button to go to the next slide NEXT

3 On your CIS Page, click on
“My Degree Dashboard.”

4 Dashboard select the “Plans” tab.
In My Degree Dashboard select the “Plans” tab.

5 select “Create a New Plan.”
To create a new plan, select “Create a New Plan.”

6 select the college for the program you want to make the plan for.
Then, you will select the college for the program you want to make the plan for.

7 select the college for the program you want to make the plan for.
Then, you will select the college for the program you want to make the plan for.

8 Select the major you want to make the plan for.

9 Select the major you want to make the plan for.

10 Then, you will select the degree type. You will only select the program if you have an emphasis, otherwise it will automatically fill that section for you.

11 Then, you will select the degree type. You will only select the program if you have an emphasis, otherwise it will automatically fill that section for you.

12 Then you will select the catalog year, if you are declared in the program you are creating the plan for, select the year you declared. If you are not declared, select the most recent catalog year.

13 Then you will select the catalog year, if you are declared in the program you are creating the plan for, select the year you declared. If you are not declared, select the most recent catalog year.

14 One you have chosen your degree program you will move on to the final steps of creating your new plan. NEXT

15 Now you will name your plan anything you want.

16 Select the next term or semester you plan to take classes.
This number is irrelevant, simply choose either spring, summer, or fall when creating your plan.

17 Select the next term or semester you plan to take classes.

18 And select the next year you plan to take classes.

19 Now select how many years you have left until graduation.

20 Now select how many years you have left until graduation.

21 Finally, click “Next” to have your plan created.

22 Once you have added your plan,
you will automatically be taken into the plan you just created. Now you can start building! NEXT

23 If you wish to exit and come back to
your plan, you must go to the manage plans page. To build or edit your plan, simply click on your plan name.

Now you know how to add a new plan. To learn how to build your plan, select the “Build Your Plan” tab! After you finish your plan, make sure you are on the right track for graduation by scheduling an appointment with your advisor at FINISH

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