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The KaBOOM! Corporate Partner Philosophy

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Presentation on theme: "The KaBOOM! Corporate Partner Philosophy"— Presentation transcript:

1 The KaBOOM! Corporate Partner Philosophy

2 Blue Chip Partners in Play

3 Dream Big, Pilot First, Grow Later Start small, pilot first Let partners understand the cause

4 Partner DNA Matters Don’t just go for the big partners Look for partners that “fit”

5 Getting in the Door Research, research, research Read everything a potential partner reads Plan and have multiple scenarios ready

6 The Paperless Meeting Don’t pitch right off the bat Ask lots of questions Follow up and follow through

7 Build A Web of Support Seek multiple contacts Leverage and praise champions CEO is not The Holy Grail

8 Fewer, Bigger, Longer: Partners and Partnerships Work on transformation, not transaction Retention matters

9 Price It Right Execute on budget Don’t rob Peter to pay Paul

10 Manage the Relationship Well
Match skills & competency toe-to-toe, first Leverage yourself, second Face-time, not Facebook

11 Think “Co-owners”, not “Funders” Build relationships Share goals, responsibility, accountability and credit

12 Involve the Entire Organization Work to meet objectives of Marketing, PR, HR, merchandizing, government affairs, etc.

13 Let Partners Advance Your Cause Create experiences that let employees fall in love with the cause

14 Integrate Your Operations
Get to know culture, priorities and people

15 Surprise and Delight Show genuine gratitude Be creative, make a lasting impression

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