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The Present-Day MS Nurse.

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1 The Present-Day MS Nurse.
Kylie Fryer MS CNC & Clinical Trials Coordinator Bachelor of Nursing Post Graduate Diploma Advanced Clinical Nursing Specialty: Neurosciences. Post Graduate Certificate: Multiple Sclerosis 2018 MS Seminar

2 Other than superwomen!! What are we??
Registered nurse with specialized knowledge, skills and experience in the care of patients with MS and their families.

3 MS Nurses Extraordinaire!!!!

4 Monash MS Clinic Team

5 A substantial amount of time is required to counsel and communicate effectively with the patient at clinically important times, such as initial diagnosis, treatment initiation, periods of relapse, and treatment changes. Appropriate and effective education can empower patients to feel more active in the management of their MS.

6 We play a particularly important role after treatment selection..
For example many patients have concerns about self injection, such as needle phobia and injection anxiety, we counsel to address these concerns. It might take the form of reassurance about the safety of the injection, relaxation techniques. Because of cognitive and other issues some patients may require repeated coaching and follow up, which is time consuming but necessary.

7 The evolution of MS therapy has had a dramatic impact on the role of the MS nurse, we are more involved in the diagnosis, management and support of patients with MS. As new MS therapies get introduced there has been an increased need to be involved in counselling patients on treatment decisions and providing education on treatment initiation.

8 Monitoring and managing side effects and tolerability of medications
Assessing treatment outcomes Encouraging patients to adhere to treatment regimens. Managing patient expectations of therapy Managing relapse of MS in conjunction with consultants Liaising between facilities where patients receive medications

9 Play a growing role in co-ordinating patient support and care and encouraging adherence to therapy.
Development of collaborative therapeutic relationships with patients that are open and honest from diagnosis.

10 Liaise between MMC, Frankston and Berwick, public and private facilities
Blood test results MRI results Troubleshooting of symptoms Pregnancy notification Scheduling of appointments Liaise with consultants Organising steroid therapy Support to the wards Lectures in the TSP Program Inservicing to the wards Support to wards that have inpatients with MS Social chats!! Lots of them!!

11 Summary We are a constant source of support, advice and encouragement to our patients. It is important that we establish good rapport with patients and provide up to date information about current research and developments that can help a patient deal with diagnosis and provide them with hope for the future.

12 Our Schedule ? Michelle Kylie Monday SJOG Berwick monthly
Covering phone Tuesday At Frankston Hospital Available at Monash Wednesday At Monash Thursday Monash MS Clinic Friday Saturday Text message to mobile Sunday

13 How to contact us!!

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