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Radioactivity B. Sc. -III Feb Dr. Wagh G. S. M. Sc. M. Phil. Ph

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Presentation on theme: "Radioactivity B. Sc. -III Feb Dr. Wagh G. S. M. Sc. M. Phil. Ph"— Presentation transcript:

1 Radioactivity B. Sc. -III Feb. -2017 Dr. Wagh G. S. M. Sc. M. Phil. Ph
Radioactivity B.Sc. -III Feb Dr. Wagh G.S. M. Sc. M. Phil. Ph. D.

2 Detection and Measurement of Nuclear Radiation 1
Detection and Measurement of Nuclear Radiation 1. Scintillation Detectors 2. Geiger Muller (G.M.) Counter CANBERRA; Scintillation Detectors A gamma ray interacting with a scintillator produces a pulse of light, which is converted to an electric pulse by a photomultiplier tube. The photomultiplier consists of a photocathode, a focusing electrode and 10 or more dynodes that multiply the number of electrons striking them several times each. The anode and dynodes are biased by a chain of resistors typically located in a plug-on tube base assembly. Complete assemblies including scintillator and photomultiplier tube are commercially availabl. The properties of scintillation material required for good detectors are transparency, availability in large size, and large light output proportional to gamma ray energy. Relatively few materials have good properties for detectors. Thallium activated NaI and CsI crystals are commonly used, as well as a wide variety of plastics. NaI is the dominant material for gamma detection because it provides good gamma ray resolution and is economical. However, plastics have much faster pulse light decay and find use in timing applications, even though they often offer little or no energy resolution.

3 Scintillators Emit light when irradiated Can be promptly (<10-8s)
fluorescence delayed (>10-8s) phosphorescence Can be liquid solid gas organic inorganic





8 Cutaway diagram of solid-fluor scintillation detector
Photocathode Scintillation event Photomultiplier tube Gamma ray Dynodes Photoelectrons Fluor crystal NaI (Tl) Reflector housing


10 Advantages 1. Scintillation Counter simple to operate 2
Advantages 1.Scintillation Counter simple to operate 2.High sensitivity to all ionizing radiation 3.for alpha and used in gamma ray spectrometer 4.Fast counting rate









19 Disadvantages: 1. Gamma radiation can not be detected 2
Disadvantages: 1.Gamma radiation can not be detected 2.Counter is slow 3. For alpha and Beta voltage used is different hence separate G.M. is required

20 Thanks

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