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Heat and Temperature.

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Presentation on theme: "Heat and Temperature."— Presentation transcript:

1 Heat and Temperature

2 Terminology- What do you know?
Particle Theory Temperature Thermometer Thermostat Thermocouple Contraction Expansion Celsius Fahrenheit Kelvin Joules Heat Sublimation Melting Point Boiling Point Vaporization Conduction Convection Radiation Insulator Conductor Dead Air Space Heat Capacity Thermal Energy Radiant Heat Kinetic Energy Law of Conservation of Matter Law of Conservation of Energy Geothermal Solar Energy Refrigerant Infrared Greenhouse Effect

3 Outcomes for Heat 308-1: Compare various instruments used to measure temperature. Explore examples of technologies used in the past. Test the design of a constructed device 308-2: Explain temperature using the PARTICLE THEORY OF MATTER and the concept of kinetic energy 308-3/4: Explain the changes of state using the Particle Theory of Matter 308-5: Compare the transfer of energy by conduction, convection and radiation. 308-6: Describe how different surfaces absorb radiant energy. 308-7: Explain using the Particle Theory of Matter the heat capacity of various common metals

4 What is Heat? Heat= THERMAL ENERGY
Thermal Energy = the total energy of all of the particles in a material or object. Throughout the ages people have invented a variety of devices to help create and capture heat for use.

5 Question: Does an ice cube have heat?
Heat is caused by vibrating molecules From the particle theory of matter you KNOW that all particles are constantly moving Because all matter is always moving- ALL matter has HEAT (EVEN ICE!!)

6 Heat- How Much? How hot an object is depends on how fast its molecules vibrate The faster the molecules vibrate the hotter the object The slower the molecules vibrate the cooler the object Speed of vibration/movement= measured as TEMPERATURE

7 Where does heat come from?
The SUN: provides most of our heat- the sun warms the earth, makes plants and trees grow. Burning FUEL: provides some heat. Coal, oil, gas and wood are some of the fuels we burn Rubbing or Friction: provides a small amount of heat- most of the time it is not useful heat. Ex: heat from friction can ruin machinery

8 Heat- what is it good for?
Heat is a form of energy We can use this energy to do work- like making things move such as cars and trains What are some ways that we use heat? Cook food Warm buildings Dry clothes What other ways do you use heat?

9 Brainpop- Heat

10 Worksheet- Introduction to Heat
Using your notes and the information from Brainpop answer the worksheet provided

11 BrainPOP Heat Worksheet
Energy Temperature Heat Absolute Expand Space Liquid Gas Uniform Chemical, Electrical, Friction, Geothermal, Nuclear, and Solar Think About it: Because an iceberg is MUCH larger and therefore has many more particles. The combination of all those particles vibrating in space is equal to more heat energy than a small pot of boiling water, despite the boiling water particles moving faster.


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