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Action research Project

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1 Action research Project
Kim Overbeck

2 The Problem Two Set 6 GCSE Maths Groups
Talking about Maths and also improve numeracy skills

3 Research I arrived at the focus on talking about maths on the basis of discussion on my experience of the groups and the ideas that emerged from the local project led by Anne Watson reported in Deep Progress in Mathematics: the Improving Attainment in mathematics Project (Anne Watson, Els de Geest and Stephanie Prestage, 2003)

4 Particular ideas that I took from the project
Establishing working habits with regular class routines at the start of lessons (p.13) Generating concentration and participation e.g. by creating questions for each other (p.16) The focus on interacting and responding verbally – concerned with teachers’ expectations that students learnt to talk to each other in useful ways (p.18)

5 My strategies 5 – a – day questions (Mr Corbett) –

6 Create their own 5-a-day

7 Files

8 Maths Talk Blenheim Palace, there are so many great mathematical things around there, and they have some logic puzzles around in the pleasure gardens, some walking distances to get an idea of length and other well thought out things. I wanted them to plan the trip. However, we ran out of time and they had mocks to prepare for. This is an idea I will take into next year.

9 Evaluate I used my TA and test results

10 Looking forward I will keep doing the 5-a-days but move on from the numeracy to the foundation questions in preparation for the exams. I would still like to get them out on a trip to Blenheim. I want to have a look at the calendar and see when or if it is possible to-do. Another idea that I have not tried is the use of mini whiteboard, I do want to try this with them to see if the less permanent approach – drafting and sharing their thinking - would build confidence. I would also like to create a maths wall in our classroom so that they see the maths every day.

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