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Sentence Types, Variety, and Combination

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1 Sentence Types, Variety, and Combination

2 Sentence Types Simple – has one independent clause (1 subject, 1 verb)
Great literature stirs [the imagination]. S V O Millions are caught and sold each year [to museums]. S V Adv Prep

3 Sentence Types Compound – has two or more independent clauses connected by a coordinating conjunction, semi-colon, or conjunctive adverbs (also, besides, consequently, however, furthermore, etc.). No subordinate clauses! [Ms. Miller set up a schedule of field trips], and [she S V S took the classroom “into the world”]. V Do not confuse compound predicates with compound sentences!!

4 Sentence Types Complex – has one independent clause and at least one subordinate clause Last year, when I took a social studies elective, I S V O S found myself looking forward [to fourth period]. V Adv Prep

5 Combining Sentences Compound-Complex- contains two or more independent clauses and at least one subordinate clause I am glad that I was [in Ms. Miller’s class], and I was S V S V S V pleased when she received an award. S V

6 Practice Identify simple, compound, complex and compound-complex sentences in your summer assignment reflection.

7 Variety How to Make Your Sentences More Interesting
Use a variety of sentence structures in your writing. When he was far up toward the top, he lay down and slept for a little while [ ]. The withered moon, shining on his face, awakened him [ ]. Fifty yards away he stopped and turned back, for he had forgotten his rifle [ ]. He walked down and poked about in the brush, but he could not find his gun [ ]. At last he lay down to rest [ ]. The pocket of pain in his arm had grown more sharp [ ]. His arm seemed to swell out and fall with every heartbeat [ ]. There was no position lying down where the heavy arm did not cause him pain [ ].

8 FYI – AP Terms!!! Cumulative Sentence – one that completes the main idea at the beginning and then builds or adds on But neither can two great and powerful groups of nations take comfort from our present course - both sides overburdened by the cost of modern weapons, both rightly alarmed by the steady spread of the deadly atom, yet both racing to alter that uncertain balance of terror that stays the hand of mankind’s final war. Periodic Sentence – Sentence whose main clause is withheld until the end. To that world assembly of sovereign states… our last best hope in an age where the instruments of war have far outpaced the instruments of peace, we renew our pledge of support.

9 Variety How to Make Your Sentences More Interesting
Use a variety of sentence structures in your writing. When he was far up toward the top, he lay down and slept for a little while [CX]. The withered moon, shining on his face, awakened him [S]. Fifty yards away he stopped and turned back, for he had forgotten his rifle [CD]. He walked down and poked about in the brush, but he could not find his gun [CD]. At last he lay down to rest [S]. The pocket of pain in his arm had grown more sharp [S]. His arm seemed to swell out and fall with every heartbeat [S]. There was no position lying down where the heavy arm did not cause him pain [CX].

10 Variety How to Make Your Sentences More Interesting
Using Initial Modifiers: Dependent Clause: Although she wasn't tired, Maria went to sleep. Infinitive Phrase: To please her mother, Maria went to sleep. Adverb: Quickly and quietly, Maria went to sleep. Participial Phrase: Hoping to feel better, Maria went to sleep. Using Mid-Sentence Modifiers: Appositive: Maria, an obedient child, went to sleep. Participial Phrase: Maria, hoping to catch up on her rest, went to sleep. Using Terminal Modifiers: Present Participial Phrase: Maria went to sleep, hoping to please her mother. Past Participial Phrase/Adjectival Phrase: Maria went to sleep, lulled by music. Maria went to sleep, awakening to scary dreams, relieved when it was morning. Combining Modifiers: Quickly and quietly, Maria, a young girl, went to sleep hoping to please her mom.

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