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The Mass Media.

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Presentation on theme: "The Mass Media."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Mass Media

2 Types of mass media What is the mass media?
Give an example of traditional media. Give an example of new media. What are the three types of newspapers? Give examples of broadcasting media. What are the benefits and limitations of digital technologies such as smart phones? Has the number of people reading newspapers increased or decreased? What types of programmes are popular with TV audiences? Why do people use the internet?

3 Effects of mass media on audiences
What is the hypodermic syringe view of the mass media? What did McQuail mean by the uses and gratifications approach? What was Abercrombie’s decoding approach to the mass media?

4 Socialisation What is the mass medias role in socialisation?
How might it influence identity? How might it influence gender? How might it influence our political values (political socialisation?) Is it the most important agent in socialisation?

5 Media Ownership Key owners: News International (The Sun, Times) Murdock. Key terms: press barons, media moguls, “it’s the sun what won it” How do the pluralists view media ownership? What is the conflict (Marxist view) of media ownership?

6 Media Ownership Key owners: News International (The Sun, Times) Murdock. Key terms: press barons, media moguls, “it’s the sun what won it” How do the pluralists view media ownership? What is the conflict (Marxist view) of media ownership?

7 Selection of news stories
What is agenda setting? What is norm referencing? What are news values? What is the profit motive? How can advertisers influence the news? How can legal restraints influence the news?

8 Representations What evidence suggests that black people are negatively labelled by the media? What evidence suggests this has changed? What about women? (HINT: men’s magazines, women in sports news) A*-C: can you remember Cumberbatch’s research?

9 Power in the media How does the internet give people power in a democracy? How can we criticize this view? How can we include the digital divide here?

10 Moral panics What was Cohen’s study of moral panics?
What is media amplification? Give recent examples.

11 Media violence What examples do we have that media causes violence?

12 Bingo Mass Media New Media Broadcast Multi-Channel Interactivity Blog
Convergence Hypodermic Decoding Socialisation Ownership Pluralism Conflict Agenda Setting Advertisers News Values Norm referencing Legal Profit motive Digital divide Folk Devil Moral panic Amplification Violence

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