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Eyes On Hands On Ears Off

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Presentation on theme: "Eyes On Hands On Ears Off"— Presentation transcript:

1 Eyes On Hands On Ears Off
Melissa Kate Adams-Silva

2 Introduction Identity Profession Family Interests
Who am I? Name, sign name, born/raised in VT, HH/Deaf, Culturally What do I do? TOD - CO, AZ, MA, VT ASL teacher - many different colleges - UVM Family… bi-racial, husband, 4 children, homeschool Likes/interests being active/outside disc golf games

3 Why Are Games Important?
Relax and have fun! Icebreaker ASL Playground Review Transitions and flexibility Framework to build on Expand your knowledge Equal participation Not about winning explain ASL Playground

4 teacher/student (classroom)
Keep in mind… anyone anytime anywhere children teens adults peers co-workers 1:1 small group large group teams teacher/student (classroom) parent/child (home) any group size, any age group, any skill level, any amount of time

5 Challenges The challenges you create are based on what you want to get out of the game Let go of the original rules - easier to adapt Flexible - meet the needs of all players Basic challenge - have fun and play with ASL Advanced challenge - use more in-depth vocabulary, descriptive words, classifiers and thought processes


7 Dominoes Basic: Advanced: Leader asks who has what color
Describe colors using body shift Describe colors and numbers Describe colors, numbers, and location/position Advanced: Involve mathematics: add, subtract, multiply, divide Use referents to describe who they match with Ask other players for a matching color or number


9 Guess Who? Basic Advanced Ask yes/no questions to eliminate characters
Hair (color and style), eye color, skin color, gender, glasses, earrings, hat, facial hair, distinguishing features Advanced Eliminate one category at a time until it matches your challenge level Instead of asking questions, see if the other can guess by your description.

10 or make your own!

11 Games Without Equipment
Never Have I Ever Around the World Telephone Charades I Spy Pictionary 20 Questions 2 Truths and a Lie Receptive Speed Test Around the World (ABC, #, etc) Receptive Speed Test (leader signs, race to fingerspell)

12 Card Games UNO Skip Bo Phase 10 Flash Cards SET Go Fish Memory
Color Slap

13 Board Games Sequence Sequence for Kids Farmyard Bingo
Silly Safari Bingo Eric Carle Match- 0minoes Matching, Bingo and Dominoes Zingo Sight Words Zingo Number Bingo Zingo To-Go Guess Who Guess Who Disney

14 Dice Games Tenzi Yahtzee Phase 10 Story Cubes Story Cubes Batman

15 Tile Games Pairs in Pears Scrabble Bananagrams UpWords
Applegrams Dominoes Rummy Cubes

16 Other Games This or That Taboo Jenga Mancala Pass the Pigs Hedbandz
30 Second Clips

17 ASL Games See It and Sign It See It and Sign It II
Keep Quiet Crossword Cube Game Keep Quiet Reword ASL Handshape Game Cards

18 Apps & Online Games Kahoot! Heads Up Charades Learning Patterns
PCS Education Sight Words

19 Your Games

20 Break Out Groups Introductions Brainstorm Play 5 minutes 10 minutes

21 Parent/Educator/Interpreter
Introductions Name Deaf/HOH/Hearing Parent/Educator/Interpreter Why are you here?

22 What are the challenges? Goals?
Brainstorm What are the challenges? Goals? How will you play? Rules? 5 minutes

23 Just get a feel for the game
Play Just get a feel for the game HAVE FUN! 10 minutes

24 Wrap Up What did you like or not like about the game?
Was it easy or difficult to adapt the game? Would you play that game again? Why or why not? What would you do differently in the future?

25 Questions

26 Melissa Kate Adams-Silva
Contact us - on main menu

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