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Honors Math 2~ Unit 1~Day 4~Warm Up:

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1 Honors Math 2~ Unit 1~Day 4~Warm Up:
#1 Factor: 4x2 - 25 #2 Factor: 3x3 + 12x2 – 6x - 24 #3 Factor: 32x2y4 + 24x2y2 – 8xy2 Happy Thursday!!

2 Homework Packet 1-1 1)2 𝑑 4 (2βˆ’ 𝑑 6 +6𝑑) 2)2 4 π‘₯ 6 + 𝑣 5 βˆ’5 π‘₯ 9 or βˆ’2 𝑑 4 ( 𝑑 6 βˆ’6π‘‘βˆ’2) 3)24 π‘Ž 2 𝑑 5 (1βˆ’2π‘Ž 𝑏 2 ) 4) 2(x – 3)(x + 2y) 5) (2a + 1)(h + b) 6) (x – 5)(x + 5) 7) (2a + 3b)(a + 2) 8) (5d + 1)(5d – 1)(d – 4) 9)( 𝑦 2 +4)(π‘¦βˆ’7) 10) (3g – 5)(3g + 5) 11) (x + 2)(x – 2)( π‘₯ 2 +4) 12) 3(x + 5)(x – 5)

3 Re-Test Policy (Heritage HS-wide policy):
Students may be re-assessed on any and all tests throughout an academic quarter. The re-assessment may not be in the same form as the original test. The highest grade you can earn on a retest is a 90%. In order to qualify for a re-assessment, each student must… Have every homework assignment for the given unit completed by the re-test date. Complete the re-test on the date chosen by the teacher (within a week of having the test returned to the student). Remediate with the teacher on the material prior to the re-test.

4 Quiz Replacement Policy (Math Dept. policy):
It is the philosophy here at Heritage HS that assessments are given in an attempt to see where each student is at in their learning, and make adjustments to further their education. Therefore, if a student performs better on a unit test than they did on a quiz within this unit, they may replace their lowest quiz grade with the better unit test grade. Only original test scores may replace quiz scores, not re-test scores.

5 Husky Help 3.0 Husky Help (version 3.0) will run Tuesday – Friday. Each student in the class that has C, D, or F (below 80%) in the course on that given day (according to their weekly progress report), will be mandated to attend this remediation session (built in to the school day). Monday – 1st Period Tuesday – 2nd period Wednesday – 3rd Period Thursday – 4th period All other students will have the opportunity to participate in intramural sports, attend career or college sessions, work individually or with groups on assignments in the Media Center or the Commons, or meet with Student Service counselors for academic planning.

6 Internet Safety In accordance with Board Policy 2313/3013/4013 and the 21st Century Act (Public Law No: 110:385, Oct. 10, 2008) all students will be trained annually in Internet safety. School districts are required to educate students about: Appropriate online behavior, including interacting with other individuals on social networking websites and in chat rooms. Cyber bullying awareness and response.

7 Factoring trinomials β€œBustin up the B”

8 Factor: ax2 + bx + c where a β‰  1
(Busting the B!!) 4x2 + 7x + 3 Multiply a by c (12). What numbers have a product of 12 but a sum of b(+7)? 4 and 3 Substitute +7x with the above and use factor by grouping to factor. 4x2 + 4x + 3x continued next slide

9 4x2 + 4x + 3x + 3 (factor by grouping)
Check your answer by using FOIL/distribute.

10 When leading coefficient is not one β€œBustin up the B”

11 Factoring trinomials into the product of two binomials when leading coefficient is one.

12 You Try! The area in square meters of a rectangular parking lot is The width is x – 60. What is the length of the parking lot in meters? The length is (x – 35).

13 Concept Summary: Polynomial Factoring Techniques

14 16π‘₯ 2 βˆ’1 𝑏 2 +6π‘βˆ’27 5π‘₯ 2 βˆ’7π‘₯+2 4π‘₯ 3 βˆ’16 π‘₯ 2 +3xβˆ’12 4π‘₯ 2 βˆ’4π‘₯+1
Whiteboard Practice 16π‘₯ 2 βˆ’1 𝑏 2 +6π‘βˆ’27 5π‘₯ 2 βˆ’7π‘₯+2 4π‘₯ 3 βˆ’16 π‘₯ 2 +3xβˆ’12 4π‘₯ 2 βˆ’4π‘₯+1 2π‘₯ 2 +7π‘₯+3 4π‘₯ 4 βˆ’400 𝑦 4 2𝑐 2 βˆ’33𝑐+45

15 Let’s Practice our Factoring (Exit Ticket) Complete on Index Card to turn in:

16 Homework Homework Packet 1-4, coloring activity, And forms 
****************************** Quiz tomorrow!! Study!!

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