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Fluids- Behaviors of liquids and gases

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1 Fluids- Behaviors of liquids and gases

2 Behaviors of liquids and gases
Fluid- anything that flows – gas or liquid Buoyancy- the ability of a fluid to exert an upward force on an object immersed in it this is called buoyant force.

3 Behaviors of liquids and gases
Archimedes principle- the buoyant force on an object in a fluid is equal to the weight of fluid it displaced by the object.

4 Behaviors of liquids and gases
Archimedes principle- Lets test this principle out with a boat. As we add weight to the boat more water is displaced until what?

5 Behaviors of liquids and gases
Pascal principle – pressure applied to a fluid is transmitted unchanged throughout the fluid. ex: squeezing the end of a tube of toothpaste.

6 Behaviors of liquids and gases
Pascal principle – lets test this out with a Cartesian diver water bottle. What is happening to the fluid inside this water bottle right now? What will happen if we remove the bottle cap? Explain what happened? Same idea used for hydraulic systems.

7 Behaviors of liquids and gases
Bernouilli’s principle- as the velocity of a fluid increases, the pressure exerted by the fluid decreases. Ex: the design of an airplane wing

8 Behaviors of liquids and gases
Boyle’s principle- as the volume of gas decreases, the pressure of a gas increases, provided the temperature does not change. Ex: weather balloon

9 Behaviors of liquids and gases
Charle’s principle- as temperature increase, the volume increases, provided pressure remains constant. Ex: hot air balloon

10 Behaviors of liquids and gases
Pressure/temperature relationship- as temperature increases, the pressure increases, provided the volume does not change. Ex: popping popcorn

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