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Convergence of distinct pathways to heart patterning revealed by the small molecule concentramide and the mutation heart-and-soul  Randall T. Peterson,

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Presentation on theme: "Convergence of distinct pathways to heart patterning revealed by the small molecule concentramide and the mutation heart-and-soul  Randall T. Peterson,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Convergence of distinct pathways to heart patterning revealed by the small molecule concentramide and the mutation heart-and-soul  Randall T. Peterson, John D. Mably, Jau-Nian Chen, Mark C. Fishman  Current Biology  Volume 11, Issue 19, Pages (October 2001) DOI: /S (01)

2 Figure 1 A small molecule that alters heart patterning. (a) The structure of concentramide. (b) A lateral view of the mushroom-shaped heart of a live, concentramide-treated embryo 30 hpf. The atrium is indicated with an “A”, and the ventricle is indicated with a “V”. (c) A time course of concentramide effectiveness. Black bars indicate the developmental time periods during which groups of embryos were immersed in water containing concentramide. An “x” indicates that treatment during the indicated time period alters the wild-type brain or heart phenotypes. An “o” indicates that the wild-type phenotype was observed. Blue and pink boxes mark the critical periods for development of the brain and heart phenotypes, respectively Current Biology  , DOI: ( /S (01) )

3 Figure 2 Hearts from has mutant embryos phenocopy hearts from concentramide-treated embryos. In situ hybridization was performed with (a–c) wild-type, (d–f) concentramide-treated, and (g–i)has embryos. The expression pattern of cardiac myosin light chain 2 (cmlc2) is shown for embryos (a,d,g) 24 hpf and (b,e,h) 30 hpf. The relative locations of the atrium (A) and the ventricle (V) were confirmed by 7-μm sagital sections of embryos in which the ventricle was prestained blue by in situ hybridization to ventricle-specific myosin heavy chain (vmhc), (c,f,i) followed by staining of the atrium brown with the atrium-specific antibody S46. In (a), (d), and (g), the view is dorsal and anterior is oriented up. In all other frames, the view is lateral and anterior is oriented toward the left Current Biology  , DOI: ( /S (01) )

4 Figure 3 The heart-and-soul gene encodes PKCλ. (a) A map of the has interval with the genomic structure of the zebrafish PKCλ gene. YAC and BAC clones are indicated by addresses beginning with “y” and “b”. The BAC clone 23c14 was sequenced to determine the entire genomic structure of the has gene. From the partial sequence of the BACs listed, a preliminary transcript map of the region was determined (see Table 1). The zebrafish PKCλ gene comprises 18 exons represented by vertical lines. The site of the mutations associated with the m129 and m567 alleles is indicated with an asterisk. The domain structure of PKCλ is also shown, including the C2-like domain, pseudosubstrate (psub.) domain, C1 domain, and catalytic domain. The activation loop phosphorylation site (T404), autophosphorylation site (T556), and hydrophobic site (E575) are also shown. A vertical line marks the truncation site for the has m129 and m567 alleles. (b) An anti-PKCλ Western blot of protein extracts from wild-type embryos (WT), has mutant embryos (m567 −/−), and siblings of has mutant embryos (m567 +/+ & +/−). (c–e) Antisense disruption of PKCλ expression phenocopies the has mutation. (c) Wild-type embryos, (d) has embryos, and (e) wild-type embryos injected with a PKCλ antisense morpholino oligomer were photographed live 2 days postfertilization Current Biology  , DOI: ( /S (01) )

5 Figure 4 PKCλ is required for lamination, cell polarity, and epithelial cell-cell interaction in the retina. Transverse 5-μm sections of (a–b) wild-type, (c–d) concentramide-treated, and (e–f)has embryos were stained with (a,c,e) hematoxylin-eosin 5 days postfertilization or with (b,d,f) dapi 30 hpf. Arrowheads indicate mitotic nuclei. Zonula occludens-1 localization in the retina is shown by 5-μm transverse sections following staining of (g) wild-type or (h)has embryos with an anti-ZO-1 antibody Current Biology  , DOI: ( /S (01) )

6 Figure 5 The effects of PKCλ inactivation and concentramide treatment on the polarity of the zebrafish kidney. An apical kidney marker (3G8) was used to stain kidneys of (a) wild-type, (b) concentramide-treated, and (c)has embryos. Transverse 2-μm sections of the pronephric duct are shown Current Biology  , DOI: ( /S (01) )

7 Figure 6 Alterations in anterior-posterior patterning after treatment with concentramide. (a–c) In situ hybridization was used to show Pax2.1 expression in (a) untreated and (b) concentramide-treated 18-somite embryos. The expression patterns have been false-colored blue for untreated embryos and red for concentramide-treated embryos. (c) An overlay of images (a) and (b). Arrowheads indicate areas of Pax2.1 expression at the midbrain-hindbrain boundary and in the otic placodes. In (a)–(c), the view is lateral and anterior is oriented toward the left. (d–e) Double in situ staining of the heart field (F, cmlc2 probe) and Pax2.1-expressing cells (arrowheads) in (d) untreated and (e) concentramide-treated 18-somite embryos. Lateral view; anterior is oriented toward the left. (f) The distance between the anterior edge of the heart field, as defined by cmlc2 in situ staining, and the rostral extreme of the zebrafish embryo were measured in wild-type (WT), concentramide-treated (conc.), and has embryos at the 18-somite stage. Error bars represent the standard error. (g–h) Double in situ staining of the heart field (cmlc2) and the notochord (no tail, ntl probe) in (g) wild-type and (h) concentramide-treated 16-somite embryos. The view is dorsolateral; anterior is oriented toward the left. Arrowheads mark the anterior extreme of the notochord. (i–j) Double in situ staining of the heart field (F, cmlc2 probe) and α-tropomyosin-expressing cells (arrowheads) in (i) untreated and (j) concentramide-treated 20-somite embryos. Lateral view; anterior is oriented toward the left Current Biology  , DOI: ( /S (01) )

8 Figure 7 The order of anterior and posterior heart field fusion. Dorsal views of cmlc2 expression at the (a–c) 18-somite and the (d–f) 20-somite stages. Expression patterns for (a,d) wild-type, (b,e) concentramide-treated, and (c,f) has embryos are shown. Anterior is oriented up Current Biology  , DOI: ( /S (01) )

9 Figure 8 A model for chamber patterning in the zebrafish heart based on in situ expression analysis (see the Supplementary material available with this article online). Normally, the bilateral primordia of the heart field converge and fuse first at the posterior end and then at the anterior end to form a cone. The cone then rotates to orient atrial precursors toward the anterior and ventricular precursors toward the posterior in an extended heart tube. In concentramide-treated and has mutant embryos, the fusion order of the ends of the heart field is reversed, proceeding from the anterior to the posterior end. Rotation of the cone is blocked, preventing formation of the heart tube and causing the concentric heart chamber phenotype. Presumptive atrial precursor cells are colored red, ventricular precursor cells are colored blue. Views are dorsal; anterior is oriented up Current Biology  , DOI: ( /S (01) )

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