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Mrs. Rode (A-K) Mrs. Behm (L-Z)

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Presentation on theme: "Mrs. Rode (A-K) Mrs. Behm (L-Z)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mrs. Rode (A-K) Mrs. Behm (L-Z)

2 What is CCP? CCP (College Credit Plus)
Opportunity for students to earn high school and college credit simultaneously by taking college courses. Ex: English Composition I (college) satisfies English 11 (MHS requirement)

3 Program Eligibility 7-12 grade
Students must also test college ready per the ACT, SAT, Acuplacer state mandated guidelines. See next slide for scores. It is the STUDENT’S REPONSIBILITY to sign up and pay for the tests (ACT/SAT). Acuplacer is free- sign up on Lakeland’s website to schedule a testing session. (electronic calculator provided)

4 Program Eligibility The scores below refer to college readiness scores for CCP eligibility: Readiness Area ACT SAT Acuplacer ENGLISH 18 OR HIGHER Writing 430 or higher English Scale Score 88 or higher READING SUB SCORE 21 or higher 450 or higher Reading Scale Score 88 or higher MATHEMATICS SUB SCORE 22 or higher 520 or higher Math Scale Score 55 or higher

5 CCP Scheduling Options
Full-time CCP Student takes all CCP classes at the college and zero MHS classes Part-time CCP Part of the day student takes CCP classes and the other part takes MHS classes (blended schedule) Dual Credit Student takes MHS classes and one or two CCP/Dual Credit classes at MHS *Please take into consideration high school graduation requirements when choosing your classes.

6 What is Dual Credit? Dual credit is taking a CCP course at Madison High School for both high school and college credit. Courses MHS: English Composition I and English Composition II (both can count towards English 11 and English 12) College Algebra need to have taken Algebra II or Advanced Algebra score college ready on the ACT, SAT or Accuplacer. (see previous slide for scores)

7 Scheduling Overview When scheduling their College Credit Plus and MHS classes, students need to make sure they are not taking more than 30 college credit hours during an academic year (Summer through Spring) and 120 college credit hours total over all 4 years of high school. To take CCP math: need to have taken Algebra II or Advanced Algebra score college ready on the ACT, SAT or Acuplacer. (see previous slide for scores) 15/30 hour track located on our Guidance website under CCP tab and in the packet.

8 Academic Credits College credits are NOT the same as high school credits. 3 or more college credits= 1 high school credit For example: CCP Biology: 4 college credits= 1 high school credit English Composition: 3 college credits= 1 high school credit 2 college credit = 2/3 (.66) high school credit 1 college credit = 1/3 (.33) high school credit

9 $ Finance $ Students attending a:
public college will not be charged for tuition, books, or fees private college may be charged based on the particular private college and where the course is delivered, in accordance with law. Some financial considerations to take into account: All transportation costs are paid for by the student. This could include: Personal vehicle Parent ride Parental permission to ride with another student Laketran (discount provided for Lakeland students) Any tutoring or special fees associated with classes are the responsibility of the student and family Example: Private Tutoring

10 $ Billing $ Exceeding 30 college credit hours will result in billed hours for student to pay to the college. Any student who: fails to complete a college course, whether through a formal “class drop/withdraw” process earns a letter grade “F” or non-attendance, *are responsible for reimbursement of the tuition to the Madison Local School District. (College tuition varies at each institution)

11 Is CCP for me? Many colleges are encouraging students to stay at the high school and take rigorous courses which include the honors and the AP courses in order to be well prepared for college. Do you have a GPA of 4.0 or higher? Is your class rank pretty high? Are you going into a STEM career that includes medical, science, or math? After high school, are you planning on attending a small private school with a specific/competitive program? If you answered YES to any of these questions, we recommend that you reconsider participating in the CCP program.

12 Things to Consider Students are able to get weighted grades in college level classes as designated (Please view course equivalency chart). This may impact your ranking and GPA. Students are required to attend their CCP classes even if Madison is closed that day and vice versa. When applying to a college after high school, you should request an official transcript from the CCP college you attended, as well as your high school transcript.

13 Pros/Cons Benefits Risks -expands curriculum offerings
-higher level of rigor -earn college credit -financial support -exposure to the college setting Risks -increased responsibility -increased financial obligations -reduced opportunities or time for participating in high school activities -can effect GPA and class rank -increased time for travel and study -social discomfort -may impact eligibility

14 Student’s Social Responsibility
If you attend CCP on site, the students and teachers at the college will not treat you as a high school student, but will have the same expectations of you as a college student. If there are any problems, FERPA prevents the colleges from informing the parents or the high school. This increases the responsibility of the student to adhere to all family and age-related rules.

15 Transfer Assurance Guides (TAG)
TAG is a resource to help parents and students identify equivalent, or equal, approved courses at Ohio public institutions of higher education. TAG will help you choose courses that will transfer to and/or possibly go towards your program of study at another Ohio public college or university.

16 Scheduling Process SPRING (NOW )
Attend CCP meeting and turn in Intent to Participate Form. Must be submitted to your High School Counselor by April 1st or leave it on table tonight signed. Apply to the college of your choice and turn application in to Mrs. Watts to request MHS transcripts. Lakeland’s application is online. Take ACT, SAT or Accuplacer –sign up on Lakeland’s website to register for a time. The Accuplacer is free and you will receive your results the same day. Complete MHS scheduling as if you will be here full-time in case you do not participate in CCP next school year Admitted students will receive word from the college Upon admittance, meet with an advisor at the college to create a schedule for your college classes Schedule an appointment with your high school counselor to get the appropriate CCP scheduling paperwork signed EACH SEMESTER. **When you receive your letter in August, call MHS for an appointment to finalize high school schedule with your MHS counselor to make sure it coincides with your college schedule ******PLEASE GIVE A COPY OF YOUR FINAL COLLEGE SCHEDULE TO YOUR COUNSELOR AT THIS APPOINTMENT!!**********

17 Scheduling Timeline At most College Credit Plus schools, students have 1 week to drop a class at the college to not be charged for the course. If you drop the class AFTER the one week timeline you will be charged for the class and must pay the tuition. The student needs to facilitate this process…NO EXCEPTIONS!! It is the STUDENT’S REPONSIBILITY to notify their high school counselor of any changes (drops/adds) made to their schedule, to ensure that they are carrying the appropriate number of credits, and are on track for graduation!

18 Instructions for Dual Credit Students
Students need to follow the application procedure Register for dual credit courses on Infinite Campus during scheduling Complete the registration form for the college course

19 Instructions for Continuing CCP Students
Each year, the student and parent must turn in CCP Intent to Participate Form by April 1st. Rules and requirements change yearly. To receive up to date information we recommend attending the yearly meeting.

20 Graduation Requirements
While participating in CCP, it is the STUDENT’S RESPONSIBILTY to meet the graduation requirements. High school graduation requirements will not be waived as a result of participation in College Credit Plus. For Example: Personal Financial Literacy, Fine Art, etc. CCP final grades will be translated to End of Course (EOC) scores.

21 Academic Responsibilities
Students who attend CCP are still Madison students and are encouraged to participate in any of our extracurricular activities. Please make sure that if you are in athletics you ensure the following: Make your CCP schedule to fit your athletic schedule Make sure you are enrolled in enough credits to be eligible Make sure you are passing enough credits to be eligible Eligibility = 2.5 high school credits per semester Make sure you tell your high school and college counselor you are in athletics and need to be eligible Students must submit an Athlete Eligibility Form to the MHS athletic office to verify eligibility (forms are attached)

22 CCP Probation/Appeal Process
If a CCP student falls below a 2.0 GPA while enrolled at the CCP institution, the student will need to meet with their MHS Counselor for a probation meeting to determine their academic status going forward. If a student wants to appeal the decision from the probation meeting, they have the right to have an appeal meeting to determine their academic status with MHS/the CCP institution.

23 Athletic Eligibility = 2.25 credits NOT Eligible to play = 2.5 credits
MHS = 1 hs credit Phys MHS = .25 hs credit One semester of Band @ MHS = .5 hs credit Eng. CCP = 1 hs credit College CCP= 1 hs credit (3 college credits) CCP = 1 hs credit = 2.25 credits NOT Eligible to play = 2.5 credits Eligible to play

24 Final Points to Mention
CCP Intent to Participate forms need to be signed, front and back, by parent and student. Intent form is due to the Counselors by April 1st per Ohio state law. LAKELAND DATES TO REMEMBER: Lakeland applications can be submitted today through April 10th Lakeland will notify you of the mandatory orientation you will need to attend.

25 Final Remarks Please be sure to schedule with college and submit your schedule to MHS counselor prior to summer vacation. Counselors will not be available to sign forms over the summer. Be sure to get our signature on the scheduling form prior to summer. Scheduling conflicts (i.e. not getting a class you wanted) may result from failure to schedule desired CCP course(s) prior to summer vacation.

26 A Guide to College Credit Plus for Students & Families
Please visit the above website for more CCP information.

27 Questions

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