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1 Nutrition

2 Nutrition Includes all body processes relating to food:
Digestion, metabolism, circulation and elimination These processes allow the body to use food for energy, maintenance of health and growth. Nutritional Status- state of one’s nutrition Goal: maintain wellness

3 Effects of good nutrition
Healthy appearance, good attitude, proper sleep and bowel habits, high energy, enthusiasm, freedom from anxiety Cumulative affect over the years- disease prevention

4 Diseases r/t poor nutrition
Hypertension ( excess fat or salt) Atherosclerosis (fatty plaque build-up on arteries- saturated fats, cholesterol) Osteoporosis (deficiencies of Ca, Vit. D, Mg) Malnutrition (sx: fatigue, depression, poor posture, over/underweight, poor complexion, lifeless hair, irritability

5 Essential nutrients Composed of chemical elements found in food. Used by the body to perform different functions. 6 groups

6 Essential Nutrients Carbohydrates-major source of human energy “starches or sugars” Cheap Grow in most environments Easily digested Keep well (breads, cereals, pasta, potatoes, fruits, sugars, syrup Cellulose-fibrous indigestible form- regular BM’s

7 Fats (lipids) Most concentrated form of energy
Maintain body temp., cushion organs and bones, aid in absorption of fat soluble vitamins, provide flavor (butter, oils, cream, fatty meats, cheeses, and egg yolk) Classified as saturated (solid at room temp.) and polyunsaturated

8 Fats cont. Cholesterol is a fat-like substance found in body cells and animal fats. It is used in the production of steroid hormones, vit. D and bile acids. Also a component of cell membranes. Synthesized by the liver. Excess leads to atherosclerosis

9 Proteins Basic components of all body cells.
Build and repair cells, regulate body functions and provide energy and heat. Made up of 22 building blocks called amino acids. Nine of these amino acids are essential to life. Proteins that have all 9 are called complete proteins. Best sources of complete protein are animal sources (milk, cheese, eggs, fish)

10 Protein cont. Incomplete proteins don’t contain essential 9
Sources: cereals, soybeans, dry beans, peas, corn and nuts

11 Vitamins Organic compounds essential to life
Important for metabolism, tissue building, and body process regulation Only small amounts required- healthy diet should provide plenty

12 Vitamins Water soluble- dissolve in water, easily destroyed in cooking, not usually stored in body Fat soluble- dissolve in fat, not easily destroyed

13 Minerals Inorganic (non-living) elements found in all body tissues
Regulate body fluids, assist in body functions, contribute to growth and aid in buiding tissues

14 Water Found in all body tissues Essential for digestion
Makes up most of blood plasma Helps body tissue absorb nutrients Helps move waste Found in most food- should still drink 6 to 8 glasses day

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