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February 3-7, 2014 Mrs. Nabulsi For Substitute

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Presentation on theme: "February 3-7, 2014 Mrs. Nabulsi For Substitute"— Presentation transcript:

1 February 3-7, 2014 Mrs. Nabulsi For Substitute
Lesson Plans for ESL 7 Students will resume the vocabulary notebook today. February 3-7, 2014 Mrs. Nabulsi For Substitute

2 BLUE DAY SCHEDULE 7:30-9:25 - Planning 9:30-10:55 – ESL 7
10:55-11:35- LUNCH 11:40-13:05- ESL 8 13:10-14:35- ESL 6

3 CSI Goals for all classes

4 Wiesbaden Middle School Vision Statement
The entire WMS community will provide a positive school climate through which all students can mature academically, socially, emotionally, and physically while developing a lifelong love of learning.

5 Wiesbaden Middle School Mission Statement
The entire WMS community strives to provide a positive school climate through which all students can mature emotionally, socially, academically, and physically, while developing a lifelong love of learning.

6 CSI GOALS #1 All students will increase reading comprehension scores in analyzing text and reading/writing strategies. #2 All students will increase scores in math computation, word problems, and problem solving.

7 ESL 7 –BLOCK 2 9:30-10:55 blue day 2/4 and 2/6/14
SUMMARY finish research on background of medieval history and present findings. Read and analyze ESL 7 –BLOCK 2 9:30-10:55 blue day 2/4 and 2/6/14

8 TAKE ROLL 9:30-10:55 –Block 2 - ESL7 Take Roll Selina Armstrong
Hannah Engelbrecht Samuel Erenck- Ask to see his voc. Notebook to see if he did lessons up to 18. Darron Raab Samantha Tekath

7E1c.1: Discuss the purposes and characteristics of different forms of written text, such as the short story, the novel, the novella, and the essay. WE WILL BE LOOKING AT THE MEDIEVAL ROMANCE. Component: Analysis of Grade-Level-Appropriate Literary Text 7E1c.2: Identify events that advance the plot and determine how each event explains past or present action or foreshadows future action. 7E1c.3: Analyze characterization as shown through a character’s thoughts, words, speech patterns, and actions, the narrator’s description, and the thoughts, words, and actions of other characters.. 7E1c.4: Identify and analyze themes (such as courage, loyalty, friendship, and loneliness) which appear in many different works. 7E1c.5: Contrast points of view in literary text (such as first person, third person third perrson limited and third person omniscient, and subjective and objective) and explain how they affect the overall theme of the work. a. First Person: The narrator tells the story form the “I” perspective. b. Third Person: The narrator tells the story form an outside perspective. c. Limited Narration: The narrator does not know all thoughts of all characters. d. Omniscient Narration: The narrator knows all thoughts of all characters. e. Subjective: The point of view involves a personal perspective. f. Objective: The point of view is form a distanced, informational perspective, as in a news report.

10 Tuesday, February 4, 2014

11 Do the following: Edit It 93 Go o computers and correct this sentence
During the crusades king richard the lionhearted rallied the knights to travel to the holy land our history teacher told us. Do vocabulary 20- copy in notebook NOW.

12 Vocabulary 20 1. copyright date 1.Quadrilaterial 1.hill 1.insight
Language Arts Math Social Studies Science 1. copyright date 1.Quadrilaterial 1.hill 1.insight 2. Publisher 2. Parallelogram 2.island 2.instinct 3. Date retrieved 3.rectangle 3.isthmus 3.interference

Correct a sentence: During the crusades king richard the lionhearted rallied the knights to travel to the holy land our history teacher told us. Vocabulary 20 Research background on the Medieval period and present/discuss findings.

14 Characteristics of the Medieval Period
HAVE STIDENTS GO TO COMPUTER AND FIND FIVE FACTS ABOUT each of these subjects. Each student should add two facts to what others have posted on a cooperative presentation on google aaps. Put this information on a cooperative PRESENTATION on Google Aps. Only after putting a total of ten facts can students add graphic. They can add slides if more room is needed. Each student should add one graphic to go with one of their facts for each topic Insert graphics one at a time. If they can find a video, that applies, they may insert iy, but give them a time limit and make sure they do not make personal comments to one another. If they do, send them to the office and they will receive a reduced grade. They can also lose computer privileges. From the total fact on the presentation, each student needs to write a summary on the slide designated about what they learned about each topic. Thus, They need a topic sentence, six detailed sentences, and a concluding sentences write a summary What is feudalism? How did it work? What were the social levels? - What is chivalry? Give its characteristics. What were the Crusades? How many? Purpose? Who was King Richard the Lionhearted? What was the Black Plague? Cause/ Effect What are the parts of a castle? Define and label. Talk about location of castles for best defense. Students research each topic and add new facts to each topic. This assignment might take two periods to complete if they don’t play around. When finished, it needs to be shared with me for grading. Students need to put their initials after the fact they contributed. I am not sure google aps will do that automatically. This assignment should take presence over what I left because I realized the students need introductory material for the Medieval Romance. If any student wants to read more about the plague, in the back near the windows are several boos about this topic.

15 Finish Your Cooperative PowerPoint than do one of your own.
Work on your cooperative PowerPoint about the Middle Ages (Medieval) and then take a topic not covered that you find in the research, and do a five slide presentation on that topic. For example, Prince John was King Richard’s brother and Charlemagne is not buried far from Wiesbaden. What is the Magna Carta? Pick a topic you want to know more about. Do not copy and paste; Use google aps presentation (DRVE; the red CREATE and then select presentation).

16 Websites for research

17 thursday, february 6, 2014

18 CSI Goals for all classes

19 Wiesbaden Middle School Vision Statement
The entire WMS community will provide a positive school climate through which all students can mature academically, socially, emotionally, and physically while developing a lifelong love of learning.

20 Wiesbaden Middle School Mission Statement
The entire WMS community strives to provide a positive school climate through which all students can mature emotionally, socially, academically, and physically, while developing a lifelong love of learning.

21 CSI GOALS #1 All students will increase reading comprehension scores in analyzing text and reading/writing strategies. #2 All students will increase scores in math computation, word problems, and problem solving.

22 SUMMARY: Watch the videos to prepare for blog
ESL 7 –BLOCK 2 9:30-10:55

23 TAKE ROLL 9:30-10:55 –Block 2 - ESL7 Take Roll Selina Armstrong
Hannah Engelbrecht Samuel Erenck- Ask to see his voc. Notebook to see if he did lessons up to 18. Darron Raab Samantha Tekath

7E1c.1: Discuss the purposes and characteristics of different forms of written text, such as the short story, the novel, the novella, and the essay. WE WILL BE LOOKING AT THE MEDIEVAL ROMANCE. Component: Analysis of Grade-Level-Appropriate Literary Text 7E1c.2: Identify events that advance the plot and determine how each event explains past or present action or foreshadows future action. 7E1c.3: Analyze characterization as shown through a character’s thoughts, words, speech patterns, and actions, the narrator’s description, and the thoughts, words, and actions of other characters.. 7E1c.4: Identify and analyze themes (such as courage, loyalty, friendship, and loneliness) which appear in many different works. 7E1c.5: Contrast points of view in literary text (such as first person, third person third perrson limited and third person omniscient, and subjective and objective) and explain how they affect the overall theme of the work. a. First Person: The narrator tells the story form the “I” perspective. b. Third Person: The narrator tells the story form an outside perspective. c. Limited Narration: The narrator does not know all thoughts of all characters. d. Omniscient Narration: The narrator knows all thoughts of all characters. e. Subjective: The point of view involves a personal perspective. f. Objective: The point of view is form a distanced, informational perspective, as in a news report.

25 Daily Activities – Do the following
Edit It 95 Idiom back on your feet If you are back on your feet, after an illness or an accident, you are physically healthy again. My grandmother had a bad case of the flu , but she's back on her feet again. Analogy - See next slides

26 Object: characteristic
POISON: TOXIC:: mixture: soluble sugar: sweet medicine: prescribed milk: bottled solid: liquid

27 Make a Sentence POISON is type of TOXIC.

28 Put others in same sentence
MIXURE is a type of SOLUBLE. SUGAR is a type of SWEET. MEDICINE is a type of PRESCRIBED. MILK is a type of BOTTLED. SOLID is a type of LIQUID.


30 Dirty jobs-unromantic period
Watch the following videos and then do your blog on classes/esl7/blog Dirty jobs-unromantic period Manors Towns The Plague Castle design Feudalism Crusades Chivalry Knights

31 Malory's Eight Books of Le Morte d'Arthur
[ Taken from Eugène Vinaver's Notes to Malory Works, 2nd ed., Oxford UP, 1971 ] 1. The Tale of King Arthur 2. The Tale of the Noble King Arthur and the Emperor Lucius 3. The Noble Tale of Sir Launcelot du Lake 4. The Tale of Sir Gareth of Orkney 5. The Book of Sir Tristram de Lyones 6. The Quest of the Holy Grail (Sangreal) 7. The Book of Sir Launcelot and Queen Guinevere 8. The Tale of the Death of King Arthur

32 Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
Manuscript of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight

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