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Subway Franchise By Jory Bell.

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1 Subway Franchise By Jory Bell

2 How it got started Fred Deluca borrowed $1,000 from his friend Peter Buck to start a sandwich shop In 1965 Pete’s super subs opened in Bridgeport, Connecticut

3 Expansion On 1966 Fred and Peter formed the Doctors Associates Inc. to oversee the company as it expanded This has nothing to do with a medical organization Named this in hope that the company will pay off Fred’s medical tuition

4 Franchise Begins By 1974 Fred and Peter had 16 owned and operated stores A little much for two people to manage The subway franchise began

5 Opening new stores Subway opens first store outside of Connecticut in Massachusetts 1977 – Snack sub is introduced. Later called the 6 inch

6 Stores reaching in the hundreds
1981 – 200th store opens in Renton, Washington 1982 – In just one year subway opens another 100 restaurants with the grand total being 300 1983 – Came out with freshly baked breads

7 Franchise expansion By 1984 the company was claiming to be the largest sub chain in the United States Also in 1984 the first store opened outside of the U.S. in Bahrain

8 Reaching in the thousands
th store is opened and first restaurant is opened in Puerto Rico Subway expands into Canada 1987 – 1,000th store is opened and subway expands into Hawaii and the Bahamas

9 More Expansion 1988 – 2,000th store opens and Entrepreneur Magazine lists subway as #1 franchise 1990 – 5,000th store opens and stores open in Mexico 1991 – Subway comes out with the kid meal

10 Opening in interesting areas
1992 – Subway participates in school lunch programs and opens in Japan and Saudi Arabia 1993 – Subway opens in gas stations 1995 – Subway sponsors an Indy race car and appears in movies like the Simpsons and Ace Ventura Pet Detective

11 New Menu Items 2004 – Toasted sandwiches are introduced
$5 foot long is introduced 2017 – Subway has 44,000 stores in more than 100 countries Subway is still privately held

12 Cost of starting a subway
The company charges a $15,000 franchise fee Startup cost range from $105,800 to $393,600 The company takes 12.5% of gross income On average Subway stores generate $422,000 annually

13 Subways local Competitors
Footers – Family owned business. 6 inch club = $4.70 Gulliver's – Family owned Business. 6 inch club = $8.75 Deli at super pumper. 6 inch club = $5.00 Reynolds 6 inch club = $4.79 Subway 6 inch club = $4.75


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