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Distributive Property Equations

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Presentation on theme: "Distributive Property Equations"— Presentation transcript:

1 Distributive Property Equations
Jeopardy Distributive Property Equations Solving Equations More Solving Equations Equation Situations Connections Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Final Jeopardy

2 $100 Question - Connections
Describe the graph of y = 3x.

3 Straight line beginning at (0,0), increasing 3 on the
$100 Answer - Connections Straight line beginning at (0,0), increasing 3 on the y-axis for every 1 on the x-axis.

4 $200 Question - Connections
Describe the graph of y = 4x +10

5 Straight line beginning at (0,10), increasing 4 on the
$200 Answer - Connections Straight line beginning at (0,10), increasing 4 on the y-axis for every 1 on the x-axis.

6 $300 Question - Connections
Describe the graph of y = 100 – 5x.

7 Straight line beginning at (0,100), decreasing 5 on the
$300 Answer - Connections Straight line beginning at (0,100), decreasing 5 on the y-axis for every 1 increase on the x-axis.

8 $400 Question - Connections
Describe the graph of a proportional situation.

9 Straight line beginning at (0,0)
$400 Answer - Connections Straight line beginning at (0,0)

10 $500 Question - Connections
How can use a graph to find a solution to the equation 100 = 9x + 3 ?

11 $500 Answer - Connections Go to 100 on the y-axis, move horizontally to the line and move vertically to the x-axis and read value.

12 $100 Question – Solving Solve:

13 $100 Answer – Solving

14 $200 Question – Solving Solve:

15 $200 Answer – Solving

16 $300 Question – Solving Solve:

17 $300 Answer – Solving

18 $400 Question – Solving Solve:

19 $400 Answer – Solving

20 $500 Question – Solving Solve:

21 $500 Answer – Solving

22 $100 Question – Solving More

23 $100 Answer – Solving More a = – 1

24 $200 Question – Solving More

25 $200 Answer – Solving More

26 $300 Question – Solving More

27 $300 Answer – Solving More n = 3

28 $400 Question – Solving More

29 $400 Answer – Solving More

30 $500 Question – Solving More

31 $500 Answer – Solving More

32 $100 Question – Equation Situation
Which number in the equation represents the rate of change? y = 6x + 4

33 $100 Answer – Equation Situations

34 $200 Question – Equation Situations
What is an example of a situation that this equation could represent? y = 6x + 4

35 $200 Answer – Equation Situations
Something with a constant rate of 6 that has an upfront amount of 4.

36 $300 Question – Equation Situations
Based on a real life situation, what could this equation tell you? 28 = 6(4) + 4

37 $300 Answer – Equation Situations
Suzy earns $6 per kilometer plus an extra $4. She walks 4 km total and raises $28.

38 $400 Question – Equation Situation
A museum charges $40 upfront for a group of students, plus $2.50 per student. Is (20, 90) a solution?

39 $400 Answer – Equation Situations
Yes 20(2.5) + 40 = 90

40 $500 Question – Equation Situations
Write 2 different expressions for the area of the rectangle. 3 y + 3

41 $500 Answer – Equation Situation
3(y + 3) = 3y + 9

42 $100 Question – Distribution
Use a rectangle diagram to find an equivalent expression: 7 ( 3 – n)

43 $100 Answer – Distribution
7 3 – n 21 – 7n 21 – 7n

44 $200 Question – Distribution
Aaron wrote the 6x + 1 as an equivalent expression to 6 ( x + 1). Why is he incorrect?

45 $200 Answer – Distribution
6 ( x + 1) means 6 groups of one pouch and one coin. In his new expression, there are 6 pouches, but only 1 coin.

46 $300 Question – Distribution

47 $300 Answer – Distribution
x = 3

48 $400 Question – Distribution

49 $400 Answer – Distribution
x = – 15

50 $500 Question – Distribution
Find the value of x if the area of this rectangle is equal to 112. 8 x + 4

51 $500 Answer – Distribution
x = 10

52 How can you check your work when solving an equation?
Final Jeopardy How can you check your work when solving an equation?

53 Final Jeopardy Answer Substitute the solution for the variable. Then, follow the order of operations to make sure both sides of the equation are equivalent.

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