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UFO alien amazing. UFO alien amazing I have seen amazing things.

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Presentation on theme: "UFO alien amazing. UFO alien amazing I have seen amazing things."— Presentation transcript:


2 UFO alien amazing

3 I have seen amazing things

4 What are the creatures’ names?
They are and mu-mu dimpods

5 We visited a space station with 1
alien creatures. Main idea of each paragraph. 1 2 mu-mu 3 dimpods 4 What do they look like?

6 What do they look like? small Name Mu-mu Dimpods size appea-rance
colour small tall and thin black and white faces; shell-covered leg the size of a little cat black and white blue or purple

7 What do they look like? interes-ting and lively 6 1 Name Mu-mu Dimpods
person- ality number of arms of legs interes-ting and lively friendly too many 6 1 many

8 What do they look like? skip shout lemonade with herbs name Mu-mu
Dimpods how it moves voice food move slowly from side to side skip shout whisper mixture of carrot juice and cocoa lemonade with herbs

9 What does your alien look like? Draw and describe it.
This is my … It’s …is… It… big small yellow beautiful lovely

10 Homework: Draw and describe your alien in 50 words .

11 Thanks! Good-bye!

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