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In all the problems do the following:

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1 In all the problems do the following:
Starter – Day November 5 Content Objective: We will work with and analyze complex zeros. *Complex numbers have real parts and imaginary parts. In all the problems do the following: Find the zeros (you might have to factor first) List the multiplicity of each zero Does the graph touch or cross at each zero Describe left/right end behavior Find a power function that is an end behavior asymptote Sketch the graph. Zero Multiplicity Touch/Cross? Left End Behavior Right End Behavior Power Function E.B.A. X intercept(s) Y intercept

2 LAB Writing Explain in writing what the y-intercept and x-intercepts of a graph are.

3 Complex Zeros: Conjugate Pairs
3i, -3i 2+5i, 2-5i 9i 3, 1-7i

4 Complex Zeros: How many real roots?
Total # of Zeros Possible # Real Possible # Imaginary Total # of Zeros Possible # Real Possible # Imaginary Total # of Zeros Possible # Real Possible # Imaginary

5 Intermediate Value Theorem
If there is a polynomial with points (2,1) and (4, -3), is there at least one zero between x=2 and x=4? If f(x) is a polynomial function with f(2)=1 and f(4)= -3, is there at least one zero of f(x) between x=2 and x=4?

6 Intermediate Value Theorem
If f(x) is a polynomial function with f(-6)=7 and f(-1)= 1, would it be safe to say that f(x) must be equal to 4 somewhere between -6 and -1? If f(x) is a polynomial function with f(-4)=5 and f(1)= -4, is there at least one zero of f(x) between x=-4 and x=1?

7 Find all Complex Zeros: Three different ways

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