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Presentation on theme: "CREATIVITY AND CONNECTIONS"— Presentation transcript:

© Laser Learning Ltd 2014

2 Introduction What activities can be used creatively?
Is creativity just art?

3 Importance of creativity
Definitely not. There is a level of creativity in most things children do. A few examples: Art Dance Drama Role play Singing and music making Construction

4 EYFS recommendations The reason the EYFS so strongly recommends that children should be encouraged to be creative and think for themselves is that they will then be able to transfer their skills to other areas. They will become independent. They will learn to problem solve. They will achieve a sense of pride.

5 The Adult’s Role Adults should be on hand during these creative periods. Their role is not to tell children what to do but to extend their learning or provide additional resources. Children need an adult around. Adults can: Teach new vocabulary Answer questions Observe new skills achieved.

6 Setting It might seem that letting the children make the decisions and get their own resources would mean wasted time for adults, lots of mess and no structure. This is not the case in a well laid out setting with dedicated and well-trained staff.

7 Positive outcomes Children will be calmer and happier as they will be following their own ideas. They will be learning, so intellectually stimulated and occupied. They will be developing self confidence, which promotes independence. They will be involved in clearing away and will quickly realise that putting things away means you can find them again.

8 The process As with all things children need time to work on their ideas and creations and sometimes they will just give up and start something new. The more they develop and grow in confidence and skill the more they will stick at things for longer. It’s all part of the process. Let’s not rush them.



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