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FT Membership Strategy Progress Update January 2019

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1 FT Membership Strategy Progress Update January 2019
Introduction  The Board has requested that an update on membership should be provided through the Chief Executive’s report every 6 months. The Membership Strategy is being revised in 2019 and initial discussions are arranged with Governors to take this forward on 18 February. Governor elections There are 7 places on the Council of Governors currently out to election – two Public Governor vacancies in Bradford South; one vacancy in Keighley, Shipley, Craven and the Rest of England; and a one vacancy for a Non-clinical Staff Governor. Nominations can be received up to 13 February with voting taking place in March. The Trust has arranged a series of Governor awareness sessions for staff and public in Keighley, Shipley, Skipton and Wakefield and the results of the elections will be announced on 29 March 2019. Engaging Eastern European Communities The Governors’ Membership Development Working Group requested that an event be organised for members of the Eastern European community. Arrangements for this event have now been confirmed. It will take place on Wednesday, 30 January 2019 at 1.00 pm – 4.00 pm at the Polish Community Centre, 17 Edmond Street, Bradford, BD5 0BH. A number of our services will be hosting interactive stalls at the event including blood pressure checks, falls prevention, podiatry, speech and language and employment opportunities with the Trust. One stall has been allocated for Governors so that they can obtain feedback from Eastern European communities about our services and encourage people to become members of the Trust. Dragon Boat Festival, 23 June The Trust has entered a boat in this year’s Dragon Boat Festival held near Roberts Park. The weekend event (21-23 June), organised by the local authority, is a major attraction for local people and will be an opportunity to engage staff as part of our wellbeing agenda and engage local people as part of a membership recruitment campaign. Membership data Membership data on age, gender, ethnicity and number of members by constituency is attached. Membership numbers have reduced slightly (from 9899 in January 2018 to 9655 in January 2019, a reduction of 244). This will be discussed with Governors (and new Governors elected in March) as part of the new Membership Strategy.

2 Age:

3 Gender:

4 Ethnicity / Number of Members:
Constituency No of Members % of Membership (Rounded) Bradford East 1996 21 Bradford South 1280 13 Bradford West 2180 23 Craven 443 5 Keighley 1103 11 Shipley 1121 12 Rest of England 1483 15 Not Categorised 49 0.1%

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