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(Minimal and INSPIRE Conformance Levels)
CITE Tests for (Minimal and INSPIRE Conformance Levels) HMA-T Phase 2 AR-1 Meeting at Spacebel 19 February 2009 Uwe Voges, con terra GmbH Slide 1
HMA-T Agenda: Work performed since November telecon
Minimal and (INSPIRE) Conformance Class – Information- and Metadata-Model ATS for Minimal and INSPIRE Conformance Class ETS/CTL Scripts for Minimal and INSPIRE Conformance Class Interoperability CIM AP - ISO AP (INSPIRE) Deliverables provided Open Actions Status of RIDS Slide 2
HMA-T Work performed since telecon in November PM: Telecons
Progress meeting telecon 26.11 ebRIM EO Telecon 2.2 Deliverables Presentation Progress Meeting Telecon Summarized Presentation keeping only INSPIRE related changes to CIM Project Reports November-January Lots of s… Meetings OGC TC Valencia: EO EP SWG and CIM SWG meetings GIGAS in Brussels Slide 3
HMA-T WP-1: specification of Conformance Test Levels + Test Environment Specification / Documentation Minimal and Inspire Conformance Class as official OGC CR for OGC CSW AP ebRIM EP CIM Defined ETS (CTL Scripts) for Minimal Conformance Class Defined ETS (CTL Scripts) for Inspire Conformance Class Refreshed ATS Documented bugs in CSW profiles: ebRIM, CSW AP ebRIM CIM Deliverables OGC CR (OGC ): Minimal and Inspire Conformance Class of OGC CSW AP ebRIM EP CIM (Wiki/OGC) ETS/CTL scripts for Minimal and Inspire Conformance Class (Wiki) Wiki entries CRs in base ebRIM/CIM spec New version of ATS Minimal and Inspire Conformance Class (Wiki) Slide 4
HMA-T WP-2: mapping concept CIM AP - ISO AP (INSPIRE context)
Specification / Documentation Documented CIM AP vs ISO AP interoperability/mapping concept as official OGC CR for the OGC Cataloguing of ISO Metadata (CIM) using the ebRIM profile of CS-W specification Deliverables OGC CR (OGC ): ISO Metadata Profile Conformance of OGC Cataloguing of ISO Metadata (CIM) using the ebRIM profile of CS-W Slide 5
HMA-T OGC CR (OGC 08-197): Minimal and Inspire Conformance Class
Full support of all objects (ExtrinsicObjects, Associations, Slots etc.) in queries and resultsets and a full support of all filter capabilities often not possible Two conformance levels (Inspire and Minimal) of the CIM are described which restricts the amount of ExtrinsicObjects, Associations, Slots and filter capabilities Slide 6
HMA-T Minimal Conformance Class
If existing (legacy) catalogue has very limited query capabilities catalogue carrier can provide its metadata for harvesting purposes to CIM AP clients Allows simple iterations through the registry content harvesting of metadata in ISO format Metadata / ebRIM model for Minimal Conformance Class Slide 7
HMA-T Minimal Conformance Class – Operations GetCapabilities
to be implemented as described in [OGC07-110] Problem: not possible to describe in Capabilities document which conformance classes are supported. Solution: operation constraint within capabilities document to describe supported conformance classes <ows:OperationsMetadata> <ows:Constraint name="ConformanceClasses"> <ows:Value>Minimal</ows:Value> </ows:Constraint> </ows:OperationsMetadata> GetRecords Standard use-case: iteration with empty query through whole results is standard use case A few queryables defined Slide 8
HMA-T typeNames fixed (wrs:ExtrinsicObject, csw:Record)
logical operators, aliases and associations not supported Supported comparison-operators only: PropertyIsEqualTo, PropertyIsLike elementSets “brief”, “summary”, “full” for types wrs:ExtrinsicObject” and “csw:Record” supported. GetRecordById + DescribeRecord Not supported GetRepositoryItem used to retrieve repository item by "id" attribute of DataMetadata ExtrinsicObject Repository item is ISO19139 document (see OGC CSW AP ISO 1.0) Only one identifier can be retrieved at once Not a valid ebRIM CIM profile/class! Slide 9
HMA-T Inspire Conformance Class
main idea: metadata and service model which is semantically aligned with the Inspire Discovery Services comprises exactly those CIM AP RegistryObjects and operations which: are required to map all Inspire discovery requests to CIM AP requests maximally those which can be mapped from CIM AP requests to Inspire requests are required to map all Inspire discovery responses to CIM AP responses maximally those which can be mapped from CIM AP responses to Inspire responses defines an OGC conformant profile of the CIM AP does support all mandatory RegistryObjects and service capablities does not consider some optional elements Defines no extensions (except additional constraints) requires the mandatory operations and bindings Slide 10
HMA-T Inspire Conformance Class Information Model Slide 11
HMA-T Metadata / ebRIM model of Inspire Conformance Class
The following objectTypes for DataMetadata are supported: ElementaryDataset, a dataset not having any subset DatasetCollection, a collection of datasets sharing the same product specification For ServiceMetadata the objectType is “Service” maybe objectType ‘Application’ Only DataMetadata and ServiceMetadata are linked to RepositoryItems. metadata model does assure that: mandatory Inspire queryables can be mapped to CIM AP (Inspire) queryables minimally needed ISO19139 elements (to create valid Inspire resultsets) can be filled by CIM AP (Inspire) slots or classifications For optimzed performance in a ISO AP <-> CIM AP bridge These are provided when asking for a „full“ resultset. The next figure shows this mapping Slide 12
HMA-T Slide 13
HMA-T Operations of Inspire Conf. Class GetCapabilities
operation constraint used: <ows:Constraint name="ConformanceClasses"> <ows:Value>Inspire</ows:Value </ows:Constraint> GetRecords Supported typeNames in query: wrs:ExtrinsicObject rim:Association rim:RegistryObject rim:Classification CSW 2.0.2: csw:Record Aliases used if more than one instance of type in query Mandatory queryables in table GetRecordById + DescribeRecord as defined in OGC Slide 14
HMA-T CIM extensions for mapping additional Inspire queryables to CIM
Defined new RegistryObjects for additional Inspire queryables New Association "metadataPointOfContact" new ExtrinsicObject "QualityConformanceInformation" with slots specPass, specTitle, specDate and a DateType classification (DateType classification schema) New Association "specification" between "ResourceMetadata" and "Quality-ConformanceInformation" mapping additional Inspire queryables to CIM additional registry objects Mapping ISO elements to new RegistryObjects: MetadataPointOfContact 0..* * « RegistryObject » Organization KeywordTypeCode <<node>> discipline <<node>> place <<node>> stratum <<node>> temporal <<node>> theme <<ClassificationScheme>> KeywordScheme ... (node to be defined on the fly) CharacterSet <<node>> ucs2 <<node>> ucs4 <<node>> utf7 <<node>> utf8 <<node>> utf16 <<node>> 8859part1 <<node>> 8859part2 <<node>> 8859part3 <<node>> 8859part4 <<node>> 8859part5 <<node>> 8859part6 <<node>> 8859part7 <<node>> 8859part8 <<node>> 8859part9 <<node>> 8859part10 <<node>> 8859part11 <<node>> 8859part13 <<node>> 8859part14 <<node>> 8859part15 <<node>> 8859part16 <<node>> jis <<node>> shiftJIS <<node>> eucJP <<node>> usAscii <<node>> ebdcdic <<node>> eucKR <<node>> big5 <<node>> GB2312 CitedItem <<ExtrinsicObject>> IdentifiedItem 1 Authority MetadataInformation <<slot>> date : DateTime <<slot>> Identifier [0..1] : String <<slot>> Language [0..1] : Language <<classification>> CharacterSet[0..1] <<slot>> ConformsTo[0..1] : MetadataStandardNameAndVersion Rights (from Basic Extension Package) Image ResourceMetadata description : InternationalString <<classification>> ObjectType[0..*] : ObjectRef <<classification>> KeywordScheme [0..*] : KeywordType [0..*] <<slot>> Source[0..*] : InternationalString <<slot>> Format[0..*] : FormatNameAndVersion <<slot>> References[0..*] : URI <<slot>> Type[0..*] : InternationalString ResourceReferenceSystem 0..1 ResourceMetadataInformation ParentMetadataInformation ResourceConstraints GraphicOverview MetadataStandardNameAndVersion FormatNameAndVersion Slide 15
HMA-T ATS Minimal Conformance Level:
Is part of the Compliance Test Suite for the CSW AP ebRIM EP CIM 0.1.9 The figure shows the dependencies among the specifications involved Parts of this ATS can be part of Compliance Test Suite for the CSW ebRIM CIM organized into two conformance levels (Minimal and Inspire) within Conformance Levels different Conformance Sub-Levels are defined Minimal Conformance Level: not a CSW ebRIM CIM conformant class Slide 16
HMA-T For tests no external test data is needed
Implementations must assure to deliver minimally 1 record on empty query Interface- and Binding-Availability (Level 1.1) assertions for testing mandatory operations GetCapabilities, GetRecords and Get-RepositoryItem and mandatory protocol bindings are supported. independent from metadata Correctness of Request- and Response-Structures (Level 1.2) assertions for testing if XML structures of request elements (e. g. filter expressions) and of response documents are valid Slide 17
HMA-T Inspire Conformance Level CSW ebRIM CIM conformant class
for this Level conformance to the Minimal Conformance Level is mandatory The GetRecordById- and the DescribeRecord-Operations are additionally considered. For tests no external test data is needed Implementations must assure to deliver minimally 1 record on which is conformant to the metadata model of the Inspire Conformance Class with a boundingBox defined Slide 18
HMA-T Inspire Conformance Level
Correctness of Request- and Response-Structures - mandatory CIM elements (Level 2.1) assertions for testing XML structures of request elements (e. g. filter expressions) and response documents additionally tests some mandatory CIM elements in filter expression and resultsets. Correctness of Request- and Response-Structures - mandatory CIM / Inspire elements (Level 2.2) additionally tests some mandatory CIM / Inspire elements in filter expression and resultsets. Correctness of Request- and Response-Structures - mandatory CIM services elements (Level 2.3) tests some mandatory CIM elements concerning services in filter expression and resultsets Slide 19
HMA-T ETS / CTL Scripts represent ATS as CTL scripts in a form that can be executed by OGC TEAMEngine CTL Scripts for Minimal and Inspire Conformance finished Scripts: Start batch file (startTE. bat, using Java 1.6) .ctl-Files main.ctl (Form for URLs - Controls the tests) // Level 1: level1.1.ctl level1.2.ctl // Level 2: level2.1.ctl level2.2.ctl level2.3.ctl Slide 20
HMA-T Slide 21
HMA-T Problems: no reference implementation…
only a few scripts could be successfully executed against EUM implementation Idea: Development of a CIM/Inspire to APISO/Inspire bridge ESA CIM/Inspire Client CITE TEAM Engine CIM/Inspire CTL Scripts CIM/Inspire – APISO/Inspire Bridge APISO/Inspire CAT (e.g. EUMETSAT ProductNavigator) Slide 22
HMA-T Interoperability CIM AP - ISO AP
1. ISO AP client accessing a CIM AP service All requests of ISO AP clients can be mapped to CIM AP servers and all ISO AP responses can be filled from CIM AP responses Slide 23
HMA-T Interoperability CIM AP - ISO AP
2. CIM AP client accessing an CSW ISO service Problem: impossible to map all CIM AP requests to ISO AP requests and all CIM AP responses to ISO AP responses Solution: CIM AP / Inspire Conformance Class restricts the CIM AP to those capabilities and information objects which can be mapped to CSW ISO Now: all CIM AP requests can be mapped by a facade in front of ISO AP server to ISO AP requests (and all their responses to CIM AP responses) With such a facade every Inspire ISO AP catalogue service can act as a CIM AP (Inspire Conformance Class) Catalogue. Slide 24
HMA-T Usage of CIM AP Minimal Implementations by CIM AP Clients
Main focus of CIM AP Minimal is to allow legacy catalogue carrier to provide its metadata for harvesting purposes to CIM AP clients Slide 25
HMA-T HMA-T Deliverables provided: WP-0 All monthly progress reports
Summarized Presentation keeping only INSPIRE related changes to CIM Inputs to CSW ebRIM and CSW ebRIM CIM specs, Telcos,… WP-1 ATS for OGC CSW AP ebRIM EP CIM Minimal- and Inspire Level (maybe defined as Annex of OGC ) (Wiki) - (must be adapted to HMA format) ETS/CTL Scripts for OGC CSW AP ebRIM EP CIM Minimal- and Inspire Level (Wiki) OGC CR doc (08-197): Constraints and clarifications on the CSW AP ebRIM EP CIM specification (Annex of OGC ) (in Wiki) WP-2 Document: further advices for a mapping between HMA CSW AP ebRIM EP CIM and CSW AP ISO 1.0 (optional) -> OGC CR doc (08-198), Wiki, included in OGC Slide 26
HMA-T HMA-T Open actions ATS not in correct format Review CIM AP!
status of all RIDs #52: Summarise slides to keep only INSPIRE related changes to CIM Done #37: Align conformance classes to take into account proxy implementations A few new RIDS – see Excel sheet Slide 27
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