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Loser By Jerry Spinelli

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Presentation on theme: "Loser By Jerry Spinelli"— Presentation transcript:

1 Loser By Jerry Spinelli
Zinkoff is like all kids -- running, playing, riding his bike. Hoping for snow days, wanting to be his dad when he grows up. Zinkoff is not like the other kids -- raising his hand with all the wrong answers, tripping over his own feet, falling down with laughter over a word like "Jabip." The kids have their own word to describe him, but Zinkoff is too busy to hear it.


3 Create a Digital Journal
Open a new Word doc and save it as: Loser Digital Journal. Put your name at the top, and today’s date. Then respond to the following: Think of a time that you’ve been picked on by someone else. Maybe it was a peer or a family member. How did it make you feel? What did you do about it?

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