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In This Week’s “The EDGE”

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1 In This Week’s “The EDGE”
• Don’t Miss Matrix Mondays • The Primary Election Vote is On • Houston Market Movements • Become a Leasing Expert “The Edge” is a weekly tool for managers to use to inform their agents and stay current and up-to-date with important real estate industry issues. Brought to you by the HAR Communications Department.

2 Don’t Miss Matrix Mondays
Every Monday at 9 a.m., HAR presents valuable learning tips through its live Matrix Monday series on the Facebook page. This series, presented as Facebook Live sessions, is designed to improve your understanding of the Matrix platform and its many features. You may ask questions throughout the live presentation or message us offline. If you cannot participate in Matrix Monday sessions, they are saved on the Facebook page as videos that you may watch at your convenience.

3 The Primary Election Vote is On
HAR urges you to vote on Tuesday, March 6, in the primary elections! Early voting continues through Friday, March 2. Click here to verify that you are registered to vote. CLICK HERE TO REVIEW HAR RECOMMENDED CANDIDATES CLICK HERE TO REVIEW TAR RECOMMENDED CANDIDATES Remember that in primary elections, you choose either the Democrat or Republican party ballot upon arrival at your polling location. Click here to find election information for your county.

4 Houston Market Movements
The trends over the last several weeks and the last several months remain in place in much of the country as well as locally. The market is trying to sustain a healthy number of listings to keep pace with a consumer base that is clearly in a buying mood. There is real evidence of increased showing activity and anecdotal evidence from busy real estate professionals that we are setting up for another busy year in residential real estate. In the Houston region, for the week ending February 18: • New Listings decreased 5.7% to 2,484 • Pending Sales increased 10.7% to 1,894 • Closed Sales increased 1.3% to 1,309

5 Become a Leasing Expert Texas Residential Leasing Specialist (TRLS)
When looking for help in finding that perfect tenant or perfect rental property to call home, landlords and tenants want the services of a real estate professional who understands their needs and can guide them through the process. Be in the know with how to provide real estate services that meet the needs of this market and win future referrals. This course will cover the following topics: The Essentials of Residential Leasing (#30980); Agency Issues Impacting Property Managers and Leasing Agents (#30979); Marketing and Leasing Residential Properties (#30981); and The TAR Residential Lease Agreement (#30982) Date: Wednesday & Thursday, March 7 & 8 Time: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Location: HAR Central Investment: $149 Register HERE today! Questions? Please call ext. 6

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