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British Petroleum Plc International ERT training program

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Presentation on theme: "British Petroleum Plc International ERT training program"— Presentation transcript:

1 British Petroleum Plc International ERT training program

2 An Overview of BP Plc.’s International Fire Training
Introduction An Overview of BP Plc.’s International Fire Training Randal S. Fletcher Eastern Hemisphere Coordinator Australasia Crisis Management Advisor CM/ER supt. Bulwer Island 4/10/2019

3 Topics of Discussion Brief History of program Focus and Philosophy
Courses and course content Advanced Exterior Fire fighting LNG Leadership AEF 2 (pending) Logistics 4/10/2019

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5 Brief History Began in 1986 as joint effort of 5 BP US refineries
Met NFPA 600,(then draft 1081) EMACS certified (first of its kind) After 2000 mergers programs combined enhanced and modernized (100 company Chief’s and ER managers world wide, meet and agree on course and curriculum!!!) Long term agreement with training facility (2020) Additional courses introduced (leadership 2002, LNG 2006) New course pending additional training sites under review 4/10/2019

6 Focus and Philosophy A consistent approach and standard where practicable Capitalize on “in house” expertise and learning Follow NFPA as minimum guideline Produce a “Thinking” firefighter that is effective in real facility context (not hose monkeys) Knowledge and skills based (classroom and field) Cooperation with and supplement to site specific training, Not a substitute Professional development for leaders 4/10/2019

7 Focus and Philosophy Does not replace specialized or advanced training
Tank firefighting, HAZMAT, Strat/tact, etc. Modularized, progressive and integrated Promotes sharing of ideas/lessons learned Demonstrates support from “Top of House” Is a “Perk” Documented and verified training Cost management 4/10/2019

8 Advanced Exterior Firefighting
Focus is to develop ability to safely perform both offensive and defensive firefighting duties as a basic firefighter (NFPA 600). 5 day course (40 hrs) 14 elements Includes written test and Field Skills testing Ratio of 1 to 8 with an additional safety officer and a fuel controller provided by A&M 4/10/2019

9 Advanced Exterior Firefighting
COURSE OUTLINE Chemistry of Fire Portable Fire Extinguishers Self Contained Breathing Apparatus Hose Handling Basic Hardware Fire Ground Hydraulics Hose Deployment and Decommissioning 4/10/2019

10 Advanced Exterior Firefighting
Master Streams / Fixed Systems Effective Streams ICS Duties and Responsibilities Foam Incident Response and Hazards LPG Emergencies Strategy and Tactics 4/10/2019

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15 LNG Same basics as Advanced Exterior class Video 4/10/2019

16 Leadership The Course focuses on the Team Leader/Company Officer level responder. Not strat/tact Focuses on leadership attributes and skills in a fire ground context Broad spectrum of media, techniques Small classes (max 15) 4/10/2019

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20 Leadership COURSE OUTLINE
Roles and Responsibilities of Fire Ground Leaders Motivation Order giving Communications Fire Ground Size-Up Fire Ground Tactics Equipment and Resources 4/10/2019

21 Advanced Exterior 2 Much more focused and specialized
Grew out of need for “next step” for firefighters Pilot scheduled for this fall Detail focus on: hydraulics, priorities and size-up, actually USING plans, different agents, Special hazards, SCBA management and control, special equipment, etc. 4/10/2019

22 Logtistics Held twice a year
Total attendance approx 80 students for all three (demand growing) International representation Municipal Govt. Reps. JV and mutual aid attendance as well Instructors from BP assets and Texas A&M 4/10/2019

23 Logisics Guest speakers and presentations GVP intro and endorsement
Buncefield, Turkey earthquake, 911, Texas city GVP intro and endorsement Coordination of international travellers Special diets Medical qualifications Course materials TEEX integration 4/10/2019

24 Logtistics Costs AEF $1800 US does not include airfare and accommodations (special rates) LNG $3000 plus airfare and accommodations Leadership $2000 US plus airfare and accommodations 4/10/2019

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26 Questions? 4/10/2019

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