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Socialism Marxism Trade Unionism

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1 Socialism Marxism Trade Unionism
SOCIAL MOVEMENTS Socialism Marxism Trade Unionism

2 ORIGINS 18th century revolutions were political
Workers were left out of the governments created after the revolutions Working class lived under oppression Industrialisation created poverty Workers were conscious of being a big group Solidarity ideas related to Judeo-Christian religion

3 UTOPIAN SOCIALISTS They have idyllically ideas
They though that everybody could be FREE and EQUAL Important in France They tend to promote a system of greater economic equality led by the government The most famous were: Saint-Simon, Fourier, Blanc, and Proudhon

4 Saint-Simon In favour of planned economy
Society needed modern management He did not say anything about redistribution of wealth He pretended to make all not-poor by a good management

5 Fourier Socialist communities
Workers had several works because of the tedium Phalansteres (communities of 1500 people in 200 acres property)

6 Blanc Member of the French Cabinet
State should promote socialist programmes State should guarantee employment Government created National workshops

7 Proudhon Considered as an anarchist Workers were the source of wealth
Workers’ situation should improve “Property is theft”

8 CHARACTERISTICS They do not talk about class struggle
No meaningful political following Features common to socialism: Eradicate poverty Belief in industrialisation Each person has a place in society Disbelief in the liberal idea

ROBERT OWEN Paternalistic Built houses and schools for children People could be made better by better conditions

The Grand National Consolidated Trade Union Founded by Owen Tried to bring all unions into one Collapsed in 1830

Chartism Created by William Lovett Points of the Charter: Universal male suffrage Annual election Secret ballots Equal electoral districts No property for being MP Payments of members

12 MARXISM The Communist Manifiesto Dialectic Ways of production
Periods in History: Feudalism Capitalism Socialism

13 MARXISM Critic to the capitalism: Created First International
Overproduction Two classes: Bourgeoisie and Proletariat Proletariat deprived of ownership Not having society, they will change it Created First International

14 REVISIONISM Formulated by Bernstein Capitalism did not collapse
Parliamentary action was needed He called for more democracy and reform

15 TRADE UNIONS They asked for better conditions for members
They got advantages from the Government in order to move to social welfares Differences depending on the country

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