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Floods of Change: The Vanport Flood, Stereotype Threat, and 2YC-4YC Transfer.

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Presentation on theme: "Floods of Change: The Vanport Flood, Stereotype Threat, and 2YC-4YC Transfer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Floods of Change: The Vanport Flood, Stereotype Threat, and 2YC-4YC Transfer

2 SAGE 2YC Faculty As Change Agents: Transforming Geoscience Education in Two-year Colleges
GOALS Support Student Academic Success Broaden Participation in the Geosciences Facilitate Professional Pathways

3 Change Agent Team Oregon: Portland (Cohort 1)

4 Change Agent Team Oregon: Willamette Valley (Cohort 2)
Deron Carter Linn Benton CC Shannon Outhus-Gault Chemeketa CC

5 Today… Intros Vanport Floods Stereotype Threat Lunch Transfer Pathways


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