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Evidence Week of January 14, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Evidence Week of January 14, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Evidence Week of January 14, 2013

2 Standards and Rubrics Evidence Collaboration Transparency Multiple “Touches”
Features of TDES

3 What is Evidence? Facts, provided by professional or evaluator
Documents, provided by professional or evaluator That which is heard, by either professional or evaluator What is Evidence?

4 Evidence is Collected Facts are recorded
Document information/characteristics are recorded What is heard is recorded Each piece of evidence is recorded under the appropriate Domain on the evidence document Evidence is Collected

5 Q: Does every fact need to be supported by documentation. A: No
Q: Does every fact need to be supported by documentation? A: No. In some cases, it makes no sense. Q:. How do I record evidence from a document? A: Refer to the rubric; write down what the document says that matches with the rubric Some questions

6 A para says, “Most students struggle with this concept when I’m working with them.” Guidance counselor provided a plan for a developmental guidance lesson that included provisions for students to work in groups, based upon which topic was most worrying for them. Examples

7 What is true of your current, typical practice, not the exceptions.
Accompanied by evidence where the evaluator is unlikely to have it, or where you feel more is needed. Reminder: “evidence” can be facts you supply that your evaluator might not know. Words in the rubric will define what the evidence should be. Self-Assessment

8 Evaluator marks rubric where s/he agrees with you prior to each “touch”. Components of “difference” do not get marked by the evaluator until you meet and discuss, after you have shared your thinking and related evidence. Collaboration

9 Quantity of Evidence More isn’t always better
Documents aren’t always necessary Recall what documents your evaluator already has Quantity of Evidence

10 Please don’t. . . Position this work as “adversarial”
Use words like “defend” or “prove” Say “If I don’t have evidence of it, it’s unsatisfactory Assume that your point of view is the only one Please don’t. . .

11 Please DO. . . Use collaborative words Ask for more information
Position yourself as an information seeker Assume that there is another way to look at it Please DO. . .

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