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Author: Seymour Simon Genre: Expository Nonfiction

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Presentation on theme: "Author: Seymour Simon Genre: Expository Nonfiction"— Presentation transcript:

1 Author: Seymour Simon Genre: Expository Nonfiction
Big Question: Why is it important to know about the universe? Author: Seymour Simon Genre: Expository Nonfiction

2 Review Games Story Sort Vocabulary Words: Arcade Games Study Stack
Spelling City: Vocabulary Spelling City: Spelling Words

3 Why is it important to know about the universe?
Friday Question of the Day Why is it important to know about the universe?

4 Vocabulary Words

5 Vocabulary Words astronomers – experts in the science that deals with the Sun, Moon, planets, stars, and galaxies collapse – to cave in collide – to strike violently together; crash compact – firmly packed together; dense

6 Vocabulary Words galaxy – a large system of stars
particles –extremely small units of matter; small pieces

7 More Words to Know cosmic – having to do with the whole universe
optimistic – hoping for the best outbursts – acts of bursting forth (Next Slide)

8 astronomers

9 collapse

10 collide

11 compact

12 galaxy

13 The Universe Pages 150 – 157.

14 Fluency Choral Reading

15 Fluency: Choral Reading
Turn to page 152,first paragraph. As I read, notice how I pause at periods and other punctuation. We will practice as a class doing three choral readings of this paragraph.

16 Fluency Model Tempo and Rate

17 Fluency: Model Tempo & Rate
Turn to page 160, first paragraph. As I read, notice the rate at which I read—a little slower than usual because this text contains a great deal of information. Now we will practice together as a class by doing three echo readings of these paragraphs.

18 Fluency Model Partner Reading

19 Fluency: Partner Reading
Turn to page 160, first paragraph. Read this paragraph three times with a partner. Be sure to read at an appropriate rate. Offer each other feedback.

20 Main Idea & Details To find the topic of a paragraph or section, ask yourself, “What is this all about?” To find the main idea, ask yourself, “What is the most important idea about the topic?” To help find the main idea, look for supporting details that explain or tell about the main idea.

21 Main Idea & Details Topic Main Idea Supporting Detail

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