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The Powers of Congress.

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1 The Powers of Congress

2 Limited Government Can’t suspend the: Writ of Habeas Corpus- Court order that requires police to bring a prisoner to court to explain why they are holding the person Can’t pass any: Bills of Attainder Laws that punish a person w/o access to a jury trial Ex post facto laws Laws that make an act a crime after the act has been committed -Article One -Congress is given certain powers -defined in Article 1 of the Constitution -Congress is denied certain powers -defined in Article 1 What Congress can’t do: Can’t favor one state over another Can’t tax interstate trade Can’t tax exports

3 No government agency can spend Money without approval from Congress
4 Powers of the House 1. ”power of the purse”-- Power of the House whereby all revenue producing bills start in the HoR 2. authorization bills- allow beginning of projects and AUTHORIZE how much MONEY can be spent No government agency can spend Money without approval from Congress

4 4 Powers of the House 3. Appropriation bills- provide MONEY for each program decide how much will be appropriate to spend 4 Picks President if no winner (tie) in Electoral College

5 3 Powers of the Senate -Approves Presidential Appointments
“Pres appoints, Senate approves…such as with Supreme Court Justices” -Approves all Treaties “Pres appoints, Senate approves” -Acts as jury in Impeachment cases

6 Other Limits -10th Amendment Remember: any powers denied to national gov’t (congress) and given to STATES Checks and Balances System Each branch of government exercises some control over the others!

7 Congress may pass laws........but the President can veto them.
The President can veto laws but Congress can override the veto with a 2/3 vote. The President and Congress may agree on a law but the Supreme Court can declare a law unconstitutional. The President can appoint Judges and other government officials but Senate must approve them. Supreme Court judges have life terms but they can be impeached

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