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Driving High Performance

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1 Driving High Performance
Manager and Leader Course Hampshire Workforce Development Corporate Shared Service

2 Fire/exits Mobile phones / mobile devices Facilities Group working Build in a few ground rules e.g. confidentiality, listening, respect

3 Aim By the end of this course, you will be able to:
Completing all the elements of this learning will enable you to improve the performance & productivity of your team. By the end of this course, you will be able to: Use regular conversations to create a trusting and supportive environment Provide effective feedback to promote performance improvement and self awareness Develop insight in to the motivations of your team and use this to enhance productivity

4 Driving High Performance
Why is this important? What are the benefits to yourself, your team, service, organisation and the public?

5 Great Good

6 Jim Collins – Good to Great
What are you deeply passionate about? What drives your economic engine? What can you be the best in the world at? Public value

7 “Line managers' behaviour heavily influences high-performance working practices”

8 Top 10 qualities and competencies demonstrated by great managers
Understanding Trust Approachability Fairness/Impartiality Active Listening Helpfulness Honesty Knowledge Recognition Open Communication


10 Communication 1:1s Team meetings What makes a great 1:1?
How long should they last? How often should they be? Where should they take place? What % of the talking should be manager or staff member? What sort of things would you talk about? What are the barriers to effective/regular 1:1s? Team meetings What makes a great team meeting? Who should chair and/or raise discussion items? What % of the talking should be manager or staff members? What are the barriers to effective team meetings?

11 Reflective Practice “We do not learn from experience, we learn from reflecting on experience” (John Dewey)

12 In pairs: Take turns to ask one another reflective questions
Reflective Practice Thinking about what you did, what happened and what you would do differently next time. In pairs: Take turns to ask one another reflective questions Identify a situation in work you feel you could have dealt with even better The more you ask, the more you and your team will be able to self reflect and improve performance.

13 Motivate Build confidence Improve performance Recognise what is working well/ less well Key Learning

14 AID feedback approach Your report presentation was excellent. The report was easy to read, you spoke clearly, gave eye contact & answered all the questions knowledgably (Action) I can see you researched and planned this well, while still keeping up with you customer service responsibilities. This kind of work really builds on the service’s reputation, as well as your own too (Impact) We’d definitely use this style of reporting again in future. And if you were to do this again, what would you do differently next time to make this even better? (Desired Behaviour)


16 Dan Pink Autonomy wanting self-direction
Mastery wanting to get better at something Purpose wanting to make a difference. Values What is it about this that motivates you? What actions can you stop or start doing to motivate your team?

17 How does Mo Cheeks enable Natalie Gilbert and what are its effects?
Task enabling How does Mo Cheeks enable Natalie Gilbert and what are its effects?

18 “Climate of attention”
Task enabling “Climate of attention”

19 Task enabling encouraging others during challenges
recognising contributions supporting others during problems encouraging others during challenges

20 Task enabling Teaching Helping Nurturing Advocating Accommodating
Advising others on what works and why, training and sharing experience, mentoring Helping Help make others’ jobs easier, e.g., sitting down to jointly figure something out, coaching Nurturing Attend to others’ developmental and emotional needs (their personal growth, identity and competence) to help them perform even better, e.g. by encouraging, role modelling, providing emotional support, and showing you value them and their work Advocating help others navigate organisational politics, e.g. provide visibility, share/grant access to resources, shield from situations that would put them at risk Accommodating Alter the timing, intensity or scope of your work to enable others’ success, e.g. cutting slack, adjusting demands, changing the sequence of work

21 Who Are You Currently Enabling?
Of the five techniques (teaching, helping, nurturing, advocating, accommodating): How often do you currently use each technique? Which ones do you find most comfortable and effective? How could you develop your skills in those techniques you find most challenging? 2. Focus on a particular person you are currently enabling How are you enabling them? Is your enabling working? How do you know? How could you preserve/strengthen the quality of connection with people you are enabling? infinity loop model to explain the power of the TEE

22 Who Are Your Enablers? Balcony enablers Direct enablers
Sideline enablers Direct: visible, easy to identify – have regular contact with Sideline: less obvious – help not dictated by their job/formal relationship with you Balcony: people who have enabled you through their past inspiration, wisdom, direction, or mere existence

23 Aim By the end of this course, you will be able to:
Completing all the elements of this learning will enable you to improve the performance & productivity of your team. By the end of this course, you will be able to: Use regular conversations to create a trusting and supportive environment Provide effective feedback to promote performance improvement and self awareness Develop insight in to the motivations of your team and use this to enhance productivity

24 What have you learnt and how will you apply it? When will you start?
What do you need to learn more about?

25 Driving High Performance
Manager and Leader level Hampshire Workforce Development Corporate Shared Service

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