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Samsung MAC Proposal Presentation

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Presentation on theme: "Samsung MAC Proposal Presentation"— Presentation transcript:

1 Samsung MAC Proposal Presentation
August 2004 SAMSUNG 11n MAC Samsung MAC Proposal Presentation Kyunghun Jang, et al

2 Authors and Contributors
August 2004 Authors and Contributors Kyunghun Jang Youngsoo Kim Jin-Bong Chang Dongjun Lee Jon Rosdahl Changyeul Kwon Chil-Youl Yang SukJin Yun Seyoung Shin Kyungik Cho Sunghyun Choi Seongkwan Kim Tae-Jin Lee Duck-Yong Yang Hyung-Wook Yoon Kyunghun Jang, et al

3 Contents New MAC Feature Two-level Frame Aggregation New HT Frame
August 2004 Contents New MAC Feature Two-level Frame Aggregation New HT Frame Aggregation Exchange Acknowledgement Operating Modes Kyunghun Jang, et al

4 August 2004 New MAC Features (1) Two-level frame aggregation that supports multiple destinations and multiple rates in a PPDU. A service period for aggregation exchanges that is commenced by MP frame and is combined with dynamic TDM and CSMA/CA without collision and unnecessary backoff delay. Three acknowledgement mechanisms that are suitably selected in aggregation exchange transfer according to each HT STA or each HT STA’s TID. Kyunghun Jang, et al

5 August 2004 New MAC Features (2) Smart Block ACK that uses two-level bitmap with variable size instead of fixed 128 octets in e Block ACK. MAC Header compression that allows more efficient medium usage when multiple MPDUs are aggregated in a PSDU. Operating modes for coexistence with legacy STAs and HT STAs Usage of legacy ACK for solving unfairness Kyunghun Jang, et al

6 Two-level Frame Aggregation
August 2004 Two-level Frame Aggregation MAC Header ( DA 1 / TID 1 ) MSDU MAC Header ( DA 1 / TID 1 ) MSDU MAC Header ( DA1 / TID 2 ) MSDU MAC Header ( DA 2 / TID 1 ) MSDU MPDU M D PSDU DATA MPDU M D CHDATA – 1 MPDU M D CHDATA – 2 MPDU M D PSDU DATA MPDU PSDU Preamble/ PLCP Header P D PSDU P D PSDU PPDU rate1 rate2 MD : MPDU Delimiter, PD : PSDU Delimiter Kyunghun Jang, et al

7 MAC Header Compression
August 2004 MAC Header Compression CHDATA-1 MPDU CHDATA-2 MPDU Octets: ~ Frame Control Address 3 Sequence Control Address 4 Frame Body FCS Octets: ~ Frame Control Address 3 Sequence Control Address 4 QoS Control Frame Body FCS Kyunghun Jang, et al

8 Smart Block ACK (SBA) SBA MPDU SBAR(SBA Request) MPDU August 2004
2 octets 2 octets 6 octets 6 octets 2 octets 2 octets 8 octets 2*n octets 4 octets Frame Control Duration RA TA BA Control BA Starting Sequence Control BA MSDUs’ Bitmap BA Erroneous MSDUs’ Bitmap FCS A Last SN Reserved TID Bits : RA BAR Control Duration Frame Control TA Block Ack Starting Sequence Control FCS Reserved TID 2 octets 6 octets 4 octets 4 bits 11 bits SSBAR 1 bits SSBAR: Selective SBAR SSBAR=1 : Implicit acknowledgment is applied. Kyunghun Jang, et al

9 August 2004 SBA MPDU B0 bit “A” in the BA control field indicates whether all MSDUs have been successfully received, up to the MSDU with 6 bits of a sequence number in the Last SN subfield. B(m - 1) bit, in 8 octet BA MSDUs’ Bitmap field, indicates whether all the fragmented MPDUs with SN = (BA Starting Sequence Control + m) have been successfully received or not. The total number (n) of following BA erroneous MSDUs’ Bitmap equals to the number of zero bits in BA MSDUs’ Bitmap field. The order of subsequent BA erroneous MSDUs’ Bitmap follows the order of zero bits in the BA MSDUs’ Bitmap. Kyunghun Jang, et al

10 Format of MultiPoll Frame
August 2004 Format of MultiPoll Frame Dur/ID BSSID Frame control octets : 2 2 6 D/L Count(n) U/L Count(m) D/L MAP 5 * n U/L MAP 4 * m AID Length MCS 14bit 16it 6bit Antenna Config 4bit QoS Control Recommended Rate TID No TID 3bit 1bit AAI TxOPLimit 8bit FCS 4 * AAI: Aggregated ACK Indicator Kyunghun Jang, et al

11 Aggregation Exchanges
August 2004 Aggregation Exchanges Kyunghun Jang, et al

12 Acknowledgement Mechanisms in a Service Period
August 2004 Acknowledgement Mechanisms in a Service Period Pair Acknowledgement Phase Acknowledgement Implicit Acknowledgement Kyunghun Jang, et al

13 Pair Acknowledgement August 2004 HC STA1 AAI=0 STA2 Within TXOP limit
MP-Frame Preamble PLCP Data MPDU SBAR MPDU SBA MPDU CF-END frame DIFS SIFS PIFS HC STA1 STA2 AAI=0 Kyunghun Jang, et al

14 Phase Acknowledgement
August 2004 Phase Acknowledgement MP-Frame Preamble PLCP Data MPDU SBAR MPDU SBA MPDU CF-END frame If Service Period is remaining (Error Recovery Phase) HC STA1 STA2 AAI=1 DIFS PIFS Kyunghun Jang, et al

15 Implicit Acknowledgement
August 2004 Implicit Acknowledgement PIFS DIFS SIFS MP-Frame Preamble PLCP Data MPDU SBAR MPDU HC STA 1 STA 2 STA 3 SBA MPDU 1 AAI=0 Backoff count 2 CF-END frame SSBAR =1 Kyunghun Jang, et al

16 Protection mechanisms(1)
August 2004 Protection mechanisms(1) Long NAV for aggregation exchanges Kyunghun Jang, et al

17 Protection mechanisms(2)
August 2004 Protection mechanisms(2) CTS-to-Self or RTS/CTS for Contention Period(CP) Kyunghun Jang, et al

18 Operating Modes Pure mode Mixed mode Managed mode
August 2004 Operating Modes Pure mode Is set when there is HT STAs without any legacy STAs Mixed mode Is set when there are legacy STAs and HT STAs together Protection mechanisms(CTS-to-Self, RTS/CTS) are used in contention manner Managed mode Is set when HT AP can manage the access control between HT STAs and legacy STAs CP for HT STAs is assigned in CFP. Kyunghun Jang, et al

19 August 2004 Managed Mode Kyunghun Jang, et al

20 Usage of legacy ACK Solution for unfairness August 2004
Kyunghun Jang, et al

21 August 2004 Discussion Kyunghun Jang, et al

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