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Weekly Forest School Learning

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1 Weekly Forest School Learning
Maths Measure (scale drawing of dinosaur and footprint) Multiplication Division Tally charts 2D & 3D Shapes PSHCE Teamwork (see mod rock models) English Newspaper article about new fossil of Dinosaur Non-chronological report of Dinosaur Dinosaur performance poetry If the Dinosaurs came back… Science Carnivores/herbivores Classification (birds, mammals) Skeletons Seasonal and daily weather patterns Dinosaur habitats History/Geography Fossils Climate change Map of the world (prehistoric vs modern day) Mary Anning (Victorian fossil collector) Roar! (Spring 1) Art/DT Fossils made from clay Footprints Skeletons Mod rock models Music Music Express Weekly Forest School Learning Make mini Jurassic worlds Dinosaur habitats Footprints Skeletons

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