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EURELECTRIC transparency requirements

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1 EURELECTRIC transparency requirements
Vincenzo Cavicchia Chairman of EURELECTRIC WG Gas GIE Workshop on Transparency Brussels 29 May 2007

2 General considerations
EURELECTRIC welcomes the project to develop a single European website to publish gas data. Publication should contribute to enhance cross-border trading and to reduce system costs, with benefits for both customers and operators. Information contributing to a detailed understanding of the gas market functioning should be published: system and market data. Publication of information should be done In a harmonised way In English In a timely manner and ensuring that data is regularly updated In a numerical manner

3 The platform should be a evolving tool
The set of published data should progress together with market evolution. All relevant data for capacity booking, use of the system and access to secondary market on all infrastructure Additional aggregated data to improve gas market liquidity and hub trading (e.g. intra-day data, information on gas price and traded volumes on hubs) Initially Later

4 General conditions for capacity bookings To be updated regularly
Deadlines and procedures for capacity booking Time needed to treat capacity requests Capacity allocation/ congestion management methods for fixed and interruptible capacity Conditions at which the capacity is interruptible Price of firm and interruptible capacity Gas quality requirements To be updated regularly

5 Information on capacity To be updated at least every 3 months
For each entry and relevant exit zone: Maximum technical capacity Available capacity Information affecting the availability of firm capacity: e.g. planned and unplanned maintenance (location, duration, capacity loss) To know about interruption risks: historical data of booked and actually used capacity at all major input points (daily for first year, monthly for next 2 years) To be daily updated Principles/ methodology for capacity calculations Long-term forecasts of available capacity (for 10 years) for monthly periods To be updated at least every 3 months

6 System use and access to secondary capacity To be updated regularly
At entry/cross border points: Aggregated day-ahead nominations Aggregated unused capacity How to transfer titles for capacity and gas and the relevant costs Balancing conditions (rules and methods for balancing charges) Information on gas volumes purchased /sold by TSO to balance the system System tariffs and tariff methodology To be daily updated To be updated regularly

7 Representing the European Electricity Industry
Thank you for your attention! Representing the European Electricity Industry

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