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Finants- ja majandusolukord Euroopas
(ja Eestis) Ingrid Toming, Majandus- ja rahandusküsimuste direktoraat 10 November 2008 Welcome Forecasts is never an easy task But it’s even more perilous in the current exceptional times we are living But we have to do it, and here we go!
Finantskriis, selle kulg ja põhjused Euroopa Komisjoni sügisprognoos
Teemad Finantskriis, selle kulg ja põhjused Euroopa Komisjoni sügisprognoos Küsimused ja vastused In a nutshell, what I can I tell you? The financial crisis deepened and broadened this autumn. MSs have taken important measures … … but the situation remains precarious. Crisis not yet over This means weaker growth The crisis is aggravating housing-market corrections and/or macroeconomic imbalances in several countries At a time when confidence is falling and external demand is also fading rapidly On the positive side, inflationary pressures are easing. on the one hand, oil prices have been falling since July … …but it also reflects a significantly weaker growth Both labour markets and public finances are set to deteriorate The economic situation is therefore exceptionally uncertain. European Commission
Finantskriisi peamised põhjused
Viimaste aastate hea majandusolukord: kõrge likviidsus, madalad intressimäärad, kadunud riskitajuvus Finantsinnovatsioon Liigsed riskid finantssüsteemis Finantsjärelevalve ei suutnud kõiki riske arvesse võtta In a nutshell, what I can I tell you? The financial crisis deepened and broadened this autumn. MSs have taken important measures … … but the situation remains precarious. Crisis not yet over This means weaker growth The crisis is aggravating housing-market corrections and/or macroeconomic imbalances in several countries At a time when confidence is falling and external demand is also fading rapidly On the positive side, inflationary pressures are easing. on the one hand, oil prices have been falling since July … …but it also reflects a significantly weaker growth Both labour markets and public finances are set to deteriorate The economic situation is therefore exceptionally uncertain. European Commission
Finantskriisi peamised etapid
Juuli – september 2007: materialiseeruvad USA kinnisvaraturu esimesed kahjumid, probleemid Bear Sterns fondis ja Northen Rockiga. Turud kaotavad usalduse ja likviidsus hakkab kokku kuivama September – detsember 2007: pärast pankade päästmisoperatsioone hakkab olukord paranema, kuid 3. kvartali tulemused jätavad soovida Jaanuar – märts 2008: Bear Sterns probleemid, USA valitsus käivitab uue päästeoperatsiooni Märts – oktoober 2008: likviidsus kuivab jätkuvalt kokku, pangad ei usalda üksteist. Lehman Brothers pankrott paneb turud sisuliselt seisma; ilmsiks tulevad paljud uued probleemid Oktoober: programmide käivitamine USAs ja Euroopas, mis päästab hullemast, kuid olukord on jätkuvalt pingeline… In a nutshell, what I can I tell you? The financial crisis deepened and broadened this autumn. MSs have taken important measures … … but the situation remains precarious. Crisis not yet over This means weaker growth The crisis is aggravating housing-market corrections and/or macroeconomic imbalances in several countries At a time when confidence is falling and external demand is also fading rapidly On the positive side, inflationary pressures are easing. on the one hand, oil prices have been falling since July … …but it also reflects a significantly weaker growth Both labour markets and public finances are set to deteriorate The economic situation is therefore exceptionally uncertain. European Commission
Financial crisis deepened and broadened rapidly
(Corporate spreads over euro-area government bonds) Last two years Last two months This graph illustrates how the crisis is affecting financing conditions: the unusually-high spreads between corporate debt and government reflects the exceptionally high degree of uncertainty (two picks: Bear Sterns and Lehman) Central banks are working hard to fight a global liquidity squeeze MSs also adopted massive rescue action plans for banks mixing recapitalisation and guarantees to restart interbank lending Modest progress since then can be seen in the second chart on the right, but the situation is far from having normalised. European Commission
Peamised meetmed Keskpangad Intressimäärade alandamine Lisalikviidsus
Valitsused Hoiuste tagamise skeemid Lisakapital pankadele Pankade ülevõtmised In a nutshell, what I can I tell you? The financial crisis deepened and broadened this autumn. MSs have taken important measures … … but the situation remains precarious. Crisis not yet over This means weaker growth The crisis is aggravating housing-market corrections and/or macroeconomic imbalances in several countries At a time when confidence is falling and external demand is also fading rapidly On the positive side, inflationary pressures are easing. on the one hand, oil prices have been falling since July … …but it also reflects a significantly weaker growth Both labour markets and public finances are set to deteriorate The economic situation is therefore exceptionally uncertain. European Commission
Finantskriis jõuab reaalmajandusse
Üldine ebakindlus Kallimad laenud ja karmimad tingimused Välisnõudlus langeb In a nutshell, what I can I tell you? The financial crisis deepened and broadened this autumn. MSs have taken important measures … … but the situation remains precarious. Crisis not yet over This means weaker growth The crisis is aggravating housing-market corrections and/or macroeconomic imbalances in several countries At a time when confidence is falling and external demand is also fading rapidly On the positive side, inflationary pressures are easing. on the one hand, oil prices have been falling since July … …but it also reflects a significantly weaker growth Both labour markets and public finances are set to deteriorate The economic situation is therefore exceptionally uncertain. European Commission
Finantskriisi mõju jõuab reaalmajandusse
Some figures, and technical assumptions: Global growth is set to fall this year and in During 2010, growth is expected to rise gradually Excluding the EU, global growth is projected at 4.3% in 2008 and 2.9% in 2009 before accelerating to 3.8% in 2010. US growth is expected to decline to 1.5% this year. In 2009 we expect it will be in negative territory of -0.5% China will continue to grow at robust rates although less strongly than in previous years Oil prices have come down sharply, but remain high. Interest rates have not increased much since the spring, reflecting the flight-to-quality, but this masks a sharp increase in the costs of capital for households and enterprises European Commission
Komisjoni sügisprognoos
GDP in 2008 is expected to be 1.4% in the EU (1.2% in the EA). This is less than half the outcome in 2006 and 2007, clearly below potencial. In 2009, the European growth engine is at a standstill since Q2. But the situation ought to recover in 2010 (next slide) Investment, in particular, will fall dramatically in 2009, hence our accent last week, in the Communication on a Framework for a Recovery. The slowdown should ease inflationary pressures, increasing the purchasing power of households. But employment will decrease in 2009 (-0,5 in the EU and -0,4 in the EA) and unemployment will increase 0.8 pp in both areas in 2009 and the overall budgetary balance will also deteriorate (I will come back to this point) The current account balance of euro area comes close to balance as imports are set to decrease more than exports. Euro is now close to fundamentals. European Commission
EL majandus jääb järgmisel aastal seisma
Profile: we expect gradual recovery from the second part of 2009 Mainly based in internal demand, in particular investment recovery and employment net creation External demand will contribute very little. Our aim: Slowdown as shorter as possible Limit the impact on jobs Prepare the economy for a sound recovery Never more the errors that led to the present financial crisis European Commission
Komisjoni sügisprognoos: majanduskasv
The growth rate downward swing between 2007 and 2009 is very strong in some MS’s. Baltics, IRL, the biggest UK, ES, LU, SI, FI, NL, also important On average: 2,6 in EA, 2,7 in EU-27 European Commission
Komisjoni sügisprognoos: inflatsioon
Inflation eases, from 3.5 to 2.2 in the EA; From 3.9 to 2.4 in the EU-27 Divergences shrink: SI, still the higher in the EA (from 6.2 to 3.7) BG and the Baltics outside. Good for euro-area enlargement perspectives, If deficits are under control European Commission
Komisjoni sügisprognoos: eelarveseis halveneb
This slide shows the impact on public finances in a more detailed way After reaching the best position since 2000, the average deficit will increase from less than 1% of GDP in 2007 in the EU to 1.6% in 2008, 2.3% in 2009 and 2.6% in 2010, For the euro area, the deficit is expected to rise from 0.6 to 1.3% this year and 1.8% in 2009 and 2% in 2010. The outlook is also particularly uncertain due to uncertainties over the fiscal implications of the guarantees, bail-outs and recapitalisation of banks. European Commission
Komisjoni sügisprognoos: eelarve
Public finances will deteriorate in most countries, with significant differences. Overall, seven Member States are currently projected to breach and/or stay over the 3% of GDP reference value in 2009 (Ireland, France, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Romania and the United Kingdom –Hungary and the United Kingdom already under EDP). The projected deterioration is particularly sharp for Ireland. Other countries with marked deterioration: UK, LV, EE, ES, and even still in surplus DK, SW, CY Let me note here that the Hungarian figures do not take into account the recent government measures linked with IMF and Eu support. European Commission
Küsimused ja kommentaarid teretulnud!
Horizon is dark, recession is a real risk for some countries, EA and EU. This is the main reason for our Framework for action, presented last week Eurogroup and ECOFIN should discuss and adopt clear position: we need coordinated action to help recovery. We need investments This is the rigth message for E. Council the 7th and Washington the 15th I urged MS’s to discuss ideas and come up with clear priorities for expenditure and reforms. European Commission
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